Maggie and Me


Bree and I


Andrea and I

My Sister, Diana


Lindsey (Lindz) Mark Carriere

My best friend Ed with his girlfriend Tamara


Laura Correa

Jasmine Saruga

John Ryan McKenna

Alicia Leedahl

Kyle Douglas

Jason Nguyen

From Left to Right:

Renny, Liz, Joey, McKenna, Me, Bree, Brandon, Andrea

From Left to Right:

Joey, Renny, Lindz, Franz, Jackson, Me

Jen, Me, Andrea

Maggie and Me on the balcony

Chris, Jen, Bree, Me

Top: Andrea, Brandon, Me, Kevin, Chris Bottom: Jen, Adam, Bree

Maggie and Me at Celie's

Maggie and Me at Stampede Again :D

Me and Flag

Kate W.

Lindz and a Giraffe

Janelle and Jorge

Joey and his Car

McKenna and Heather

My friend Frank and his son Dalton

Jen (Andrea's Sister), Andrea


Good friends from back home:
Kenn, Andrew, Jason

My friend Jason's Dog: Chrono

My friend Steph and her boyfriend Brandon