Dec 28th 2006 10:58 AM

Armin is incredible, there are simply no words to describe this man's ability to mix music. Pictures are already up here. Met Ed's new girlfriend as well, she seems like a pretty cool girl though I still don't know much about her :P We didn't get home until 3:00ish and we all had such a blast, I'm tired as hell, but they are headed out to do some shopping. Anyway, we're headed out for breakfast, later all.

- Sorean

Dec 25th 2006, 7:27 AM

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

- Sorean

Dec 12th 2006

Another week past, 2 management training sessions and I realized that I can do a lot more when it comes to managing people and being good at it. I've been lucky with people that are willing to work for me and I believe that I am doing a good job ensuring that they are passed on the knowledge, but to simply assume that, here is something that isn't a good thing. There have been a couple things that I could have done better in the past, but I've learned from those mistakes and mistakes they were and it simply breaks down to the fact that I was not strong enough to stand up to people. I let too many things slide, I let too many things get away. Now, things have changed, so very much. Why care about others when my own life is at stake? Do my job and do it well, report impartially, and stop protecting people. They have to live with the consequences of their own decisions, why I've become a guardian of so many I don't know why, and why I care I don't know either. I guess I'm sort of tired of always trying to look out for everyone. Some people don't need it, some people don't appreciate it, some people are oblivious to it.

Well I'm not completely done ranting, but computer needs to be restarted, I may pick this up later.

- Sorean

Dec 4th 2006 6:18PM

Whoa, I fell 2 weeks behind, however it hasn't been that eventful. I had to drop 500 on fixing my car and I still want to buy myself a LCD monitor for Christmas :D It sucks but I gotta start saving money. Well I don't have to, but if I ever want to make any headway, I gotta start saving and I gotta stop going out so much. Student loan, house, new car... all the wants in this world and trying to go at from a single person's perspective is definately a lot more difficult than a couple. However you can't compare to a single person to a couple, and by no means am I rushed, but it's kinda silly. Oh well, all things in good time :) Why the hell do I have to be so damn patient and understanding of how things work?

Either way, I have found time to break away from that infernal game called WoW, I do go out when I have any excuse, I have to admit, those guys I think are getting annoyed with me. They like having me there and I enjoy running with them, but it's being part of a team, and I love being part of teams.

Here's another condrum that I've run into lately. There's a chinese radio station here in Calgary and it's great, but I'm still having problems wrapping my head around the understanding of the language. I'm not really sure how it works. It's like I'm trying to convert it to English and then understand it, but then it just complicates everything again. I also sometimes feel that I'm not completely understand it, it's almost as if they are speaking English at a higher level so that I can't understand it. Oh well, I still understand and I can speak it :D I think trying to understand it causes my head to hurt even more.... Oh yeah, one more thing, I sorta feel that Cantonese is more about putting words together that formulate an idea and not just the sentance itself. Kind of like phrases. Words by themselves mean nothing.... put together they mean something completely different.... you may say duh, but until you know another language, it's kind of difficult to appreciate that.

Speaking another language is fun and everyone that can attest to it, it's kinda difficult to understand why you can fully speak another language but you just do, it's like reflexes in a video game. I tried learning Polish and I did learn... some, but I guess it simply breaks down to repetition.

- Sorean

Nov 17th, 2006 7:24AM

So I got my raise to go with my promotion yesterday, so my wage is back to where I was 6 months ago.... wow, 1/2 a year ago I was laid off, huh... man, time passes when you blink. New car, same appartment, actually starting to save some money, living life a day at a time because right now, there really is no planning ahead. Hell, I don't even know if I'm happy at this job, I'm doing it and doing it well, but we'll see I guess.

How do you tell someone that they are too long-winded and annoying in a nice way? You get them taught, but they take 3 senetances to say something that can be said in one? I have issues with people that are doing that, well one person, but it's kinda tricky, never really had to deal with someone like that. I guess I'll learn I guess.

- Sorean

Nov 6th 2006, 2:26PM

So Maggie left for Saskatoon today. Sad day, I'm gonna miss that girl. I gotta admit, I did have fun when she was here, she forgot a pair of earrings though.... what to do with them? I guess I'll ask her later.

I have the rest of the day off and plan on doing nothing but game and relax from entertaining. Yay for Prison Break and Heroes tonight!

In regards to below, Renny is an ass. That is all.

- Sorean

Nov 3rd, 2006 12:38 PM

Okay, so I'm a little lazy / distracted at the moment. New job role, new car, new fun pretty much. Maggie has been down for the past week and I gotta admit, I missed the girl. She is fun to be around. We've had fun dining out, eating in, etc etc. I think I'm getting fat.

Oh wow.... I just checked my e-mail....

**Notice of Account Closure***

Account Name: xxxxxxxx
Character Name: SOREAN

Offense: Unapproved Third Party Software
A third party program is any file or program that is not a part of the World of Warcraft software, but is used to gain an advantage in the game, such as increasing your movement speed or teleporting from one place to another beyond what is allowed by game design. It also includes any programs that obtain information from the game that is not normally available to the regular player or that transmit or modify any of the game files. Normally, this classification does not include UI modifications, except those UIs that require an external application to function.

Any external applications that are used in conjunction with World of Warcraft can cause quite a few unwanted side effects. Some of the major possible results of the use of third party programs can be instability of the game to the point that a player "crashes" from the game quite often. External programs can also be used to transmit viruses, spyware, and other unwanted programs into a player'§ computer. Third party programs can also be used to obtain information from the player'§ computer, such as account, password, and personal information.

If a player is found to have used such a program, he/she may:

* Be temporarily suspended from the game
* Have further action taken, up to and including account closure, based on the intent of the program

Access to the World of Warcraft account xxxxxxxx, and any World of Warcraft account associated with the payment information you have provided, has been permanently disabled. The account has been identified as having used unauthorized game modifications and thus is in violation of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. The recurring subscription on the account has been disabled to prevent further charges.

Please review the World of Warcraft Terms of Use at, which you accepted when you installed World of Warcraft and established the account(§). Section 2, Paragraph C details the limitations of game play modifications and use of any third-party or .packet sniffing. software. In addition, Section 3, Paragraph C, parts iii and iv restrict the use of any hack, scripting or macroing software which obtains information from World of Warcraft to gain a competitive advantage over other players.

Furthermore, any activities not intended by game design which affect the economy, the client, player characters or the world itself have a tremendous negative impact on the potential enjoyment for all players. The effects of these activities take many forms including a bloated game economy, server instability, and allowing unauthorized access to accounts, computers, and player data.

As a result, the account(§) will no longer be accessible and will not be reopened under any circumstances.

Any disputes or questions concerning this account action can only be addressed by the World of Warcraft Account Administration department. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at

Thank you for your understanding in this matter and respecting our position and all statutes within the World of Warcraft Terms of Use.


Account Administration
Blizzard Entertainment

I'm at a loss for words.

- Sorean

Oct 18th, 2006 7:30 AM

So guess what? I'm now going to be a team lead again. Yup, barely two months into the job here and I get a promotion. I'm going to be a team lead again. Climb back up the corporate ladder I suppose. You know what though? If I can help this company avoid what the last company did then I'll be a little happier with myself, despite the workload. From talking to a lot of people that I know that used to/still working there are refering to the company as a "sinking ship". That's kind of sad. Everyone is leaving there, or looking for a better job. Oh well.

I hear back about my car, lets just say I'm getting back 1200 more than what I paid for the car. Tonight I'm gonna go look at a car and hopefully it works out cuz I like how this car looks and it is easily within my price range too. In the end I ended up spending about 1500 on that new computer that I finished building. I can't believe I used to play games with such low detail.... I never knew fire could look so elegant and beautiful.

Man did I have something of a messed up dream last night. Something about a bank robbery, me having a gun, me telling them that it wasn't a fake and that it was their last chance to leave, they shot me in the stomach, things got fuzzy, I pulled out my gun, two shots each to the chest. It was a desert eagle, there was only 3 of them. The distrubing thing is I swear that one of them was my brother. Talk about messed up. When I realized I wasn't bleeding or dying, I checked on the other people. Then I swear it wasn't even 2 minutes I turn back, I see pools of their blood, but no bodies. I freak looking for the bodies cuz.... well people that die and then their bodies go missing, movies do bad things. You know you can't control your dreams, but you can control your reactions and actions, it's like trying to trick yourself. I don't think my brain was ready for that cuz I woke up. I think I outsmarted my brain.... I think I think too much, either that or I go off on weird tangents which is probably easier to believe.

- Sorean

Oct 2 2006 11:36 AM

You know it's a slow news day when they post.... I just said they posted in newspapers.... god I'm a geek. Anyway, the point is that they print that Tim Hortons coffee is going up an average of 10 cents a cup. Has Timmys actually become such a part of Canadian history that something so miniscule deserves printing? Give me back my Robin's Donuts!! I miss them :(

So I haven't updated in 2 weeks. I'm still fighting to try to get my car thing done, hopefully it will be resolved by the end of the week she told me. Aside from that, I dropped another grand into computer parts and am decently happy with it so far, though there are a couple of bugs I want to figure out, starts with flashing the Bios.... always fun.

Maggie is coming to visit at the end of the month, should be some fun times :) Haven't seen the girl in like 2 years.... hard to believe it's been that long, really am happy that we've kept in touch. Mind you, save one, I've kept in touch with all my previous girlfriends.

Must save money, must pay people back, must save for house.... I want to win the lottery.

- Sorean

Sept 19 2006 8:07 AM

So I had my first "memo" moment yesterday. It's all I could think about, but it was so funny, I never thought it would actually happen, but lo and behold I was wrong. Maybe Office Space isn't as far off as I originally thought. I really have to write my friend Brad back and I mean a letter. Lost are the ways of old communication, I just really have to find the time. Well I do, I just tend to waste it, maybe I'll get lazy and copy/paste a lot of what I have here and put it into a letter. I really want to do it hand written though. A really personal touch.

Bah work is busy today, I'll update later.

- Sorean

Sept 12 2006 7:43 PM

So I gotta admit that I enjoy this regular lifestyle now. This working with a regular life thing is not so bad. Waking up, going to work, coming home, relaxing after work and then going to bed, it's not that bad of gig. I love this regular life. No more having to deal with managerial bullshit, just a job where I can put in my time and then go home. It's so relaxing and a simplicity of life.

My life isn't bad but it's getting better and perhaps a bit boring and tedious at times. It's a dull life. Maybe I can get into some volleyball once I get a car again.

- Sorean

Sept 5th 2006 11:20 AM

Okay, at work, progressing update as the day goes on.

As far as my car is concerned I have to wait for them to acknowledge the claim or 30 days, whichever comes first. It's going to be a pissy month for me, I hate not having a car.

The long weekend was pretty fun though. Went to a party on Saturday night and didn't crawl into bed until 5AM. Went to the Back Alley for the first time in my life. Heavy Rock bar, but it was still pretty fun. It was the aftermath after that wasn't fun to deal with, 2 girls having relationship problems with each other = exponential issues :P

Had a friend come down from Edmonton on Sunday, had a great time with them instead of going to Mark Farina with Lindz, Kev and Renny, oh well, next time. Now back to the work week.

- Sorean

Aug 27, 2006 9:36 AM

So I was planning on coming on today and announcing that I like my new job and that, but nooooo Murphy found me again. Click Here. So Now I have to fight to get my car fixed.... just when you think you're getting ahead a bit... So this is how it happend, cars parked angle into a street. Usually safe to drive and I was going at average speed too, then outta nowhere, this car backs up not even slowly, just gunned it and I barly had time to swerve, Renny was sitting Passenger seat so it's a good thing that nothing happend, but god damn it, I work now, no time to get this shit fixed. And go figure, the one time I take my car out :P I was one block from home, one stinking block!!

So the job has gotten go, I'm getting really used to the products and I've been answering e-mails for the past wee. I might end up taking calls this week, but that's fine with me. *sigh* There was a party last night too, at Chad 's place. Renny and i took up and that's how we got into the accident, but damn it, it ruined our night. Chad is an up and coming Dj here in Calgary and we are trying to support him the best we can. Either way, it's going to be a trying time ahead for your's truly...

- Sorean

Aug 17th 2006 9:43 AM

And the slackness continues, I feel like I'm cheating the company out of money, and all I really need is to learn how to use the phones, identify the product types, and how to do RMAs. That's all I'm missing...... but I feel so dumb and useless until I learn that. Oh well, time to find some more reading material I guess.

- Sorean

Aug 14th 2006 6:01 PM

My first day was pretty easy and fairly slack I'd have to say.  They sat me in front of a computer and told me to read.  I read a lot about their products and what they do and how to support, compared to my last job as a call center agent.... I'm gonna enjoy this a lot more I think, plus it's a regular work day.  I'm pretty avid on trying to become productive for the company fast, but I sort of feel held back.  They have a very, very laid back attitude and I just felt like I wasn't earning my keep.  They did tell me that it's slow in the summer and picks up later on during the school year.  If you want to know where I work and what not I'll tell you personally, just don't want it posted publicly since I did sign a confidentially agreement.

Needless to say I think I'm going to enjoy working here.

- Sorean

Aug 12th 2006 5:13 PM

Oh to wish for the days gone past. Last night, Renny, Andrea, Lindsey, Mitch, Heather, McKenna, and I all went out (with a bit of Ryan's family) for Heather's birthday dinner and drinks. We were out for a while and we chatted a lot, it's the longest we've all hung out as a group in the longest time....

Things change, but sometimes, they stay the same. Heather and McKenna are engaged, if I haven't mentioned that before and next year is the wedding. Andrea and Mitch are in a healthy relationship (so far as I can tell).... Hmmm perhaps it's time I jumped back into the game, now with a new job and all, I can actually afford to head out and do things I enjoy and maybe meet people that have similar interests... That's a though :)

- Sorean

Aug 9th, 2006 11:11 PM

It was a very busy day and only now am I sitting down at my computer. First off, it was haircut day!! First time in over a month, looked like I had a wig on. After that I hung out with my friend Stephanie for the afternoon and Renny joined us later. We went to look at a house today. The initial plan was not to buy a house until next year, but now..... It's a beautiful house.

Well I had to drive Renny and Steph home. After that I was gonna hit up Wal-Mart grab some things and head home. On my way to the car I hear someone call my name. I turn and I see two guys that I trained 7 months ago 1/3 of the world away. Apparently the company decided to fly them over to work here for two weeks. Well we chatted and what not for the rest of the night, it was really nice catching up with them. What a busy day!

- Sorean

Aug 4th 11:31 AM

Yay for me! New job starts on the 14th. Decent starting wage, a lot to learn, I'm happy :D

- Sorean

July 29th 8:25 AM

Yup, not getting either one of those jobs put me in a pretty down mood, oh well, time to waste the weekend and do something about it Monday.

- Sorean

July 28th 11:38 PM

So last night Renny and I went to see Jakalope it was a pretty good show, we had one of the guys from Nine Inch Nails there for the show too. For a girl of her caliber I expcected a lot more people to be at the Warehouse. I usually don't listen to the genre, but I liked the music, it was really good. I think there was maybe 100 people there max, most of it was friends and family, comparied to how she dresses in her videos, she was really tame, but ever so cute. I wish I brought my camera, that's 2 conerts now where I haven't brought it to.

So apparently I need to reapply for EI too, that's retarded, they said they told me I needed to bring in my record of employment to them.... so apparently the past 3 months have been waiting in vain.... from the day I refile it will be 3 weeks.... god damn government hoops.

Well it's almost noon now, still no call, they get another hour...

Edit: 2:35 PM

Zero for one, call center manager job didn't go through, haven't heard anything about the second one yet.

Edit 2: 4:53 PM

Talk about cutting it close, but zero for two. God that pisses me off, wasted all week for these two place.... screw it, gonna keep applying and just not gonna bother to wait around, good intentions my ass. Fuck finding a job :P

- Sorean

July 27 11:20 PM

Okay, I'm offically frustrated. I want to go blading, but I can't because I want to be here if those companies call which is prime blading time. They said this week, well it's Thursday and I feel like I'm being lead on, of course all these feelings could change over the next 48 hours. I guess it's partially my fault because I'm waiting on these two jobs, but they're actually ones I want. Time to wait and see, but I'm starting to get impatient :P

- Sorean

July 23rd 4:33 PM

Wow, 10 days have passed and I've barely noticed, god the life of the unemployed is really a life of waste. On a positive note however, I have had an interview to work in a Company's IT department, they're supposed to get back to me this week and I have an interview tomorrow to be a call center manager, it's full out running one, I think it would definately be a hard challenge, but one I think I can do.

So aside from the news in the work related world my life has been pretty mundane, playing games, watching CSI, going blading, did you know that you can go pretty damn far before your legs go out? Last week I went on 2 blades in 3 days each blade going over 25km in total. I never seem to take into account where I'm going, last time I went with Renny I got lost. Next time I head out, I'm gonna try to make it to Canada Olympic Park, should take me about 2 hours to get there. Along paths, I've figured that I can go about 15-20km/h Not bad for leg power alone, Renny is training for a marathon, forgot if I mentioned that before or not, but once a couple months pass, we're supposed to be able to, well he's supposed to run, I'm blading, 34km I think in about 3 hours. I hope I can keep up with that. Should be easier for me right? We'll see, I definately want to get in more blading done this summer though. I think after my interview tomorrow I'm gonna go for another distance blade, it's been almost a week gotta get back into it again, man, there's a lot to be said for consistency..... or lack thereof.

So in otherwords, just a note to let everyone know I'm still alive.... in some manner.

- Sorean

July 13th 7:25 AM

So my place is finally empty again. After a week of guests people are all on their way home. I'm gonna miss them. Talia ended up staying for a week, Ed came up on Monday and left just now. It's been a very busy week with almost too many things to remember and to list, but it was so very refreshing. We went blading at midnight a couple nights ago and it was the most alive I've felt in so long. Sure dark paths are somewhat of a problem to deal with, but it was fun and ever so relaxing. I gonna miss having Talia around, she's a very cool person, hell she raided with me on a slow Sunday evening, how many girls can do that?! Yes I know, I'm a geek, can't help it, part of my nature.

Ummmm we went to see Pirates 2 which was amazingly good, didn't even notice the length of the movie until it was over. I'm also trying to learn the dvorak keyboard layout, even bought another keyboard just so I can pop the keys out and have them in the dvorak layout in front of me even though I don't look at keys that much.

Talia has said that she doesn't want to live in Saskatoon anymore..... seems like anyone that comes up to Calgary from there doesn't want to go back, well except Jason, but he wants to go to Edmonton, but there's a girl there too :P Either way though it seems like Saskatoon just doesn't seem to be the place for young people to live. I love it here in Calgary, and anytime I take people out, they seem to love it more and more. Heh, speaking of taking people out, I've blown waaaaaay too much money in the past week and need to find a job soon. The good news is that I think I'm starting to have a little luck, I put in a resume either yesterday or the day before and I got a call while I was out yesterday with Ed and Talia. Gonna call them back in a very short time here to see if it was for an interview, I'm hoping so because it's actually for a technical job. It will be a basic IT job for the company, but until I actually have the job, can't really say the name.

So much has happened in the past week yet I can't think of a lot right now.... Probably because I only got like 4 hours of sleep last night. Sorean out for now, but know that in the past 2 months, this has been the best week ever (well of continous time anyway, I'm sure separate days added up can be pretty close).

- Sorean

July 7th 11:52 AM

Armin was simply amazing last night, the show was simply beyond description, definately something I would go do again should he come back to town. Talia, Tony, Ryan, Lindz, Renny, and Lyndon were part of the whole crew that went last night, It was really amazing. I was way too drunk, and now my stomach hurts, not hungover, but I probably couldn't even stomach any food right now. Anyway, off to entertain the guests.

- Sorean

July 3rd 11:33 AM

Natural beauty simply amazes me, even when you're just sitting on the balcony reading a book, then you look up and this.

- Sorean

July 2nd 2006 9:02 AM

For the past week, I've actually applied for a number of jobs, most of which I actually want to do, QA, trainer, etc. I have had 2 interviews so far, one I'm not doing because it's pretty much a sales thing and seems like a very organized pyramid scheme and the other was a phone interview with a company down in Bozeman, Montana. The only thing is, the Bozeman guys have said what they are going to do about getting me down there since I'm a Canadian citizien. Now, if it's to get me down there to be another phone support guy, I can find a job here that does that, if it's a job down there as a QA tester or technical writer, etc, I'd be probably more than interested.

Now this week should be very exciting, Mr. Armin Van Buuren is coming to town, for those that don't know, this man is my music god (as far as trance is concerned). I feel this man can do almost no wrong when it comes to mixing music. I know there are a few people from Saskatoon that are coming, most notable, Talia is once again dragging her butt up here. The last time Armin was in town I had just started listening to his music and was pissed that I didn't know about him sooner, that was two years ago. Not making the same mistake this time.

In other news, Renny has had the drive to start training for the Calgary Marathon next year. I've been going blading with him to help. So I've actually dragged my sorry ass out of the house more often in the past 5 days than in the past 2 weeks probably. In line with this, I have been eatting a bit healthier, salad with some chicken, deli-meat sandwiches, well that was just yesterday, but if I keep at it, I think it might actually make a change. The hardest thing about sticking to something is the driving force. That's probably why so many people often fail to keep motivation on things they said they will do themselves. When you only tell yourself, the only person you let down is you, for some, maybe most, this is acceptable. When you tell others, you are held accountable. When you are not doing what you say you're doing, you're lying. Most of you know that I'm a person that can't stand lying, so if I tell people I'm going to do something, I've now become accountable to what I have told them, thusly I should follow through with it.

Speaking of personal traits, I've realized that I have double standards.... doesn't make sense does it? I always tell people that no matter what, if they think they don't have any one to turn to, they can always turn to me, and I'll be there. Now that's not where the double standard lies. It lies with my own belief about who I can turn to. One person immediately pops to my mind, then followed by a couple others, the thing is, I soon realize that I shouldn't be burdening the people I care about with my troubles, yet I'm willing to take on the troubles of others. Hmmm that could probably explain why I always feel like I don't have any problems because I'm waiting to help someone with theirs? The human mind is a fucked up thing, good thing we took that Psychology class so we can scrutinize ourselves :P Our minds are a terrible thing to waste, and sometimes, it drives us nuts, what can we percieve as real? How do we know we're not being lied to? How can we so deeply believe one person, but shun another in the simpleness of our minds?

- Sorean

June 29th 1:03 PM

No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy.

Feelin' Fine.

No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy. No work and nothing to do makes Sorean go crazy.

Edit: For those that didn't get it, highlight the blank areas.


June 21st 8:15 AM

Picutres from Agnes' Wedding are here. Most of them are named, some are just random shots, okay, most are random shots.

- Sorean

June 19th, 3:40PM

The wedding was beautiful, the reception after was so so, mainly because of it was in Polish and the DJ was.... well lets say lack luster would be an insult to the term lack luster. I'll be sorting through the wedding pictures and deleting bad ones and what not and link them here tomorrow.

Also, in all the confusion, I forgot it was my sister's birthday on the 17th.... helping decorate, ceremony, running around, ugh, I'm such a horrible brother. I did wish her a happy belated birthday though.

More Tomorrow.

- Sorean

June 16th 2006 9:09 AM

So Ed, Talia, and her friend Danny made it up to Calgary for two days, well one full day really, they're still sleeping right now, but damn did we have some fun. I think I may have made a new friend. It should be an interesting next couple of days. Agnes' wedding is tomorrow and I'm going to go help her decorate as soon as I'm done typing this up.

Last night while sitting around chatting to everyone (the above mentioned + Lindz) I came to several realizations. First off, I really don't know what I want to do with my life, basic principles of making money, getting a car, providing a home for a family that I one day plan to have, those are all there, however, the specifics are so vague that I'm pissing myself off :P What do I want to be doing? What kind of car do I want? What type of girl should I really be looking for? Yes, we were all some kind of drunk, however, it was still fun. The deepest psychological conversations will occur... well sometimes. Drunkness is an odd state to be in and well I'm surprised I'm up to early. Damn prior commitments.... wait, damn my good aesthetic tastes so much that Agnes is trusting me to do this.

And that brought up another thing that bugs the crap outta me, people keep making stupid remarks along the lines of, "Are you sure you're not gay?" I know it's jokingly said, nonetheless it's been repeated far too many times in a short duration for me to tolerate. So I have a good sense of fashion, I dress well, I know what looks good, I can dance... sorta, all the things that make a guy "gay". Ugh..... Anyway, I gotta get running or Agnes will probably kill me, expect pictures of the wedding after this weekend.

- Sorean

June 12th 2006 2:21 PM

The perfect capper to a shitty weekend. My car got broken into again.... all for 15 bucks and it's gonna cost about 200 for the window.... /cry I guess I shouldn't feel so bad, I think the total number was 21 or 22 total cars got hit in the parkade.... but still.... /sigh

Didn't end up going to the bar after Agnes' dinner, people bailed, I got sick from something (felt like my insides were playing twister). So yeah.... what a great weekend....

Off to get my car fixed.

- Sorean

June 10th 2006 3:46PM

So it's been 2 weeks or thereabouts where I haven't posted. I'm still sitting on my lazy ass, jobless, I really should get motivated about it and there actually is a posting that I saw that is simply too good to pass up. I'm gonna e-mail my resume in on Monday as I was checking the postings today.

Jason and Kenny just left my place, gg spontaneous trips. they called me at 11 PM and told me they were comingt he next day, woo hoo for not being able to plan. Good thing I wasn't working or had anything planned otherwise it wouldn't have worked. Jason says he's thinking of moving to either Calgary or Edmonton, both good choices, but we all know that Calgary is better, least we don't burn down our Red Mile.

Speaking of which, the Oilers do not deserve the cup, whatsoever. A city that represents themselves like that really is gonna go to hell in a hand basket should they actually win the cup. The citizens will demolish the city and it will implode on itself.

I've also found a new love, Soy Milk. Thanks to Jason. For those that don't already know, I am lactose intollerant, it sucks because I used to drink a lot, and I mean a lot of milk. As an example, my roommate Kevin and I would usually polish off a 4 Litre jug between the two of us in a day on a semi-regular basis. Either way, I can't drink it anymore :( Apparently 90% of asians are lactose intollerant, 50% of the world's population is as well, just not diagnosed.

Anyway, Agnes' birthday dinner is tonight so I'll catch you all later.

- Sorean

May 28th 2006 10:22 PM

So the weekend has passed and it was pretty enjoyable Sunday. Had Lindz and Renny over and we played some good old fashioned Risk. Best board game ever, well if not the best it's up there. I have a couple of other board games on my list to get, Axis and Allies, Civilization, Monopoly are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head that I have to add. However, being unemployed doesn't help that situation.

Jobs..... I've decided not to start looking hard until the end of Stampede. Why? Because I have a wedding to go to in 2 weeks. Then 3 weeks after that it's Stampede, on the last Sunday of Stampede a couple friends and I always go pub hopping down 17th. It's an annual thing that's been done for at least 3 years now by me and who knows how long by my friend Stephanie. She is the one that started this and brought me in. So asking for time off so close together within starting a new job is just a bad idea. So as soon as Stampede is over, it's job hunting time.

I do have to admit that being around the appartment is starting to drive me kind of nuts. Well it's probably the fact that it's the same surrounding every day and things will eventually drive you crazy, anyone will attest to that. Anyway, I'm starting to get distracted from this so I'll end it here. Talk to you all soon!

- Sorean

May 24th 2006 5:41PM

Wow.... so careless.... I really lack the motivation to do anything, god I gotta get off my ass. I'm back in Calgary now just trying to get things settled in my life first, home redesign, game finishing, all this other stuff first then a job.

- Sorean

May 14th 2006 6:42PM

So last night I got to check out the Saskatoon night life...... it's on life support. Ed an I hit up two different "clubs" Béily's and Overdrive, the latter I had been before, but was pretty fun. Yesterday was a very good day overall. Went out with my bro, Jason, and Adam to Yohei's, a japanese restaurant, it was okay, but I like Calgary Sushi more, well the serving sizes anyway. Afterwards, Ed and I ended up going to the bars and met up with some friends. Met one of Ed's friends who for the present time shall remain nameless, but damn can she dance, and very cute too. Well the estimated return to Calgary is Wednesday and then it's heavy into the job hunt.

- Sorean

May 12th 2006 11:49 AM

Yup, it's offical, without the internet or some sort of computer entertainment I would die of boredom. I've spent a lot of the past few days walking in old parks, blading by the river, however, it drives me nuts when I don't check e-mails or messages for over 3 days. Granted I do feel a lot better physically *shrug*. This will probably be my last weekend here I think, I'll head home Wednesday morning most likey and go hard on the job search. I already had a lead on a data entry position that paid about 27-29k a year starting with potential for overtime. That works out to be about 13.50-14.50 an hour, not bad, but I was making 44k a year prior to getting laid off and to be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm worth. And no, I don't need any smart ass remarks about that :P I know I left it wide open for a joke. I guess I could do data entry for a while or work my way up there. I figured out that all I really need is about a grand a month to survive and the rest is savings/repayment of student loans. So that data entry job would work, plus the job is downtown, wow, I'm starting to convince myself of this job :P Meh, we'll see.

- Sorean

May 8th 2006 12:20PM

So the weekend has passed and to be honest, it actually was pretty damn good. I've seen a lot of friends from way back when and damn do I miss them, some a lot more than others. Disaapointing as this may be to the readers that are from my home town but I won't be staying here. It's a great place to visit, but unless I can find a decent job here in the next 10 days, I'll be headed back with either Bozeman or Calgary in mind.

Some things I thought would happen didn't and things that I didn't plan on happened. At the moment I'm at Ed's place updating this, but for the past little bit I've been staying at Shannon's place, she's so awesome!! Just like a sister. I'll probably be here for another week like I said, but crashing at Joey's place for a while.

Last night, Ed, myself, Jason, and Adam chilled out at Jason's place, we watching a show called "Drew Carey's Green Screen" It got cancelled, but damn if it wasn't funny. I swear, they cancel the best shows.... like Firefly, speaking of which, we watched Serenity too. A pretty good closing to the end of the first season I must admit.

Gaming wise, I've actually been pretty good, no gaming for the weekend and I survived, but I think I'll be heading to the cove after this.... *sigh* I'm such a geek :P

I'll update more later Ed and I are out to lunch, peace out all.

- Sorean

May 4th 2006, 8:08AM

I'm off, I'm disappearing, I'll be updating :)

- Sorean

April 30th 2006, 10:52 PM

So the weekend is over. Tomorrow is a new month, a new start to my life. Also, Happy Birthday to Renny.

As mentioned below I lost my job due to corportate restructuring, better words, they're trying to make the costs here less. I mean why pay someone almsot 3 times what you could get away with in another country? I knew what I was doing in Poland and this is how it ends up.... *sigh* A lot of great fucking gratitude. Now I'm not mad at my ex-boss because he has a budget to meet and decisions to make. In all fairness, if I were put in his shoes, I'd be the most logical person to cut, despite personal ties / relations. The good note, I got enough money in a severance package to live for about 4 months if I were to do nothing.

That being said one can't help but feel helpless, however, I do plan on taking time off for a couple weeks to get my thoughts together. This Thursday I'm going to go back to Saskatoon for a couple days, maybe a couple of weeks and do a little bit of soul searching. Being hit by something like this has you second guessing yourself and who you are, what you're doing, and where you're going. I really want to make sure that what I go into next will be something I love, something I thrive on, something that will challenge me. Something already tells me this is programming and that it may lead to a job in Bozeman, Montana because I have some friends there.

I'd really rather not have to move though, I like living in Calgary, I like the atmosphere, I like the Red Mile, I like the rollerblading paths, and I love the new volleyball team I had just found. *sigh* Maybe I'm not meant to ever have something go well for me. Just when things start going well.... Murphy finds me. I honestly cannot think of one time when I was completely happy with my life in it's current state for more than a week.

I really hate this idea of finite resources. I've never had to worry too much about money before, least I haven't had to for the past 4 years. Well at the very least I suppose I could go collect EI for a while, after all the position was destroyed and I didn't quit or get fired. And frustration sets in.......

- Sorean

April 27th 2006, 1:32 PM

Murphy found me, he beat me up, broke my glasses, stole my lunch money, and took my job too. Yeah, I lost my job due to "Corporate Restructuring". Still letting it sink in. It's creepy how I call this shit :P

- Sorean

April 20th 2006, 9:05 AM

*peeks out from behind a wall* Is he here?

I'm a little weary of Murphy and him coming out of nowhere to kick me in the face. This past weekend I went over to Sean's for a Easter dinner after waking up late, oops :P Anyway it was a very civil and mature dinner, it felt cultured, refined, and for lack of a better term, more grown up. It was kind of weird, mature conversation be the topics ranging from the effects of certain illegal drugs to the crack down of the police on people on the Red Mile for honking their horn after a Flames win. Afterward we sat and talked for quite a long time. Sort of funny though, the line of you're too mature for your age was said a few times, I believe I myself said that I was a 32 year old trapped in a 23 year old's body. It's funny, and disheartening all at the same time. Careerwise, I'm well ahead of where I should be, paywise, I could do a little better, then again, who can't?

So we were talking about how the year was going so far and frankly, I realized that it was going pretty well. Boss sent me over to start up a new office, came back to a regular shift, working out, losing weight, like I said that night, "Things seem to be falling into place pretty well. I'm expecting this to be a good year for me". Then on Monday, maybe it was Tuesday, I managed to snag Russel Peters tickets for his supposedly sold out show. It was funny, last week I found out about it, told a buddy at work and found out that it was sold out, contrary to what ticket sale indicators were saying. Either way, managed to snag some tickets for me, Lindz, and Kev to go to the show on May 3. If you have no idea who Russel Peters is, watch this first and then this, gotta warn you, it'll be about 2 hours long.

Next up, you know how I've been shopping for rollerblades for almost 2 weeks now. Well yesterday I saw an ad for Sportcheck, the same place where I picked up my pair last year. So I figured I'd check out the flyer, on the flyer I see my exact pair of rollerblades for 1/2 the price I paid last year. They were clearing out last year's models and the sale started at 9. So I disappeared from work and decided to try my luck. I get there and I they had 3 pairs, size 10, 11, and 12. I was so lucky. I grabbed the pair of 12s and off I went. So I got the exact model that I wanted, I mean these blades look awesome and they fit. Yay for rollerblading this weekend :D

Also, the plans for a new car are rolling into place :)

So things are going well, I'm just waiting for Murphy to catch up to me.....

- Sorean

April 11th 2006, 7:03PM

Man my life is pretty uneventful so it seems, things like going to go rollerblade shopping, seeing Ice Age 2, considering a new car have all passed through my head, but yet none of it really seemed worthy to post about, or so it seems I guess.

Though I do have to admit that I've found a game that does help me at least keep my mental prowess there. You know how most car license plates have 3 letters? Well the object is to create a word that is longer than 5 letters long and using the ones in sequence. Mind you I don't really play this with other people, I just simply do it on long rides to keep myself entertained and to frankly test the limits of my vocabulary. I read before that the "average" person has about 20,000 words in their vocabulary and on an everyday basis they use only 2,000 of them. I really don't want to try to surmise the totality of my extended vocabulary, but I would venture an estimate that my vernacular abilities surpass those of an average person. So I like trying to exercise my brain sometimes.

- Sorean

Mar 27 2k6, 2:00 AM

Here I sit, 3 days after my birthday, and the best surprise of my life. My best friend Ed came up from Saskatoon for my birthday and he brought with him Shannon and Genn!! It was definitely the best weekend I've had in a long, long time. A party was planned for the Saturday, but it was just going to be a small get together of the regular crew, but damn if they didn't make it fun. Pictures are here you'll notice that there's a difference because they are from two different cameras, but whatever. It was a pretty fun night of music, drinks, and good times by all. I found out that given the proper volume adjustment, the apartment can literally have 3 different music genres without interfering with each other.

So it has been 3 weeks since I've been back and wrote on the goings on in my life. Well to address the five points mentioned last time:

So in other words, a relative sense of normality has returned in my life. That's it for now, I need sleep.

- Sorean

Mar 4th 2k6 5:29 AM - Calgary Time

Life has turned back to a relative state of normality, but yet everything seems so wrong and different. A girl I cared about no longer has interest well it's a complicated story, but regardless I'm somewhat heartbroken because I guess I thought there was something more there. I actually called her last night to talk to her about it and well it was somewhat of an eye opener. She told me that I wanted commitment and she wasn't ready for it. In retrospect, she is right. All I really want from life right now is to simply be happy, but because of what I found out last night and what's going on elsewhere in my life. There is nothing good going on in my life right now. Yes I just got back from Poland, yes I'm working, yes I have a comfortable lifestyle, but it all amounts to fuck all if there isn't someone I can share it with.

I think it may be time to go back to school. I'm trying to weigh my options right now. I like my job, but I'm starting to think it may not be for me. Maybe because I'm inexperienced, maybe because I'm young, maybe because I really don't want to have the responsibilities that I do have associated with my work. My life is such a mess right now I don't know what to do any more. A man without a goal isn't much of a man is he? I don't even know how to get myself out of this stupid rut. Sure I preach about how to do things and how I believe in true love and how we can do anything we want (and yes I do believe in these). But even the best man cannot be plunged into battles of doubt. Far as my job goes, I think I'll give it a couple of weeks and see how things work/turn out. With all the drama there, I've grown very weary of both work and the company. I want to live a simple life really.

Right now, this is what I want:

Sounds like I'm ready to settle down doesn't it?

- Sorean

Feb. 26th 2k6 3:55 PM - Polish Time

Another weekend gone and another Friday night spent at The Underground and Wednesday night was the same too. Wednesday was R&B night and Friday was just as fun. The week itself was pretty uneventful and most other things have been taken care of, I hope. Lets just say there are things that I have to deal with that I never thought I would have to, simply because of the lack of focus of some people. My head hurts, but it will soon be over thankfully. I love the people here, but it definitely is somewhat welcoming to me. It will be a return to normality and I get to return to it in 2 days. Part of me doesn't want to go home because I've gotten used to it for the past 2 months, but that is probably just the sense of conservatism speaking.

One thing I do know is that I will be returning on my tour of Europe. Well I made a promise to myself to make the trip before I turn 27, that gives me 4 years still. So far, Venice, Warsaw, and Sweden are in my list, but I'm not so sure about Sweden any more. It will be near the bottom of my list, but I'd still like to try it. Paris will definitely be a spot to stop in and probably a couple other place. I think what I need to do is set a schedule and find some friends who want to come with. I really do want to make it a huge party trip.

Well I'm out for now, next post will be up when I get back.

- Sorean

Feb. 19th 2k6 10:55PM - Polish time

Another weekend past, another amazing weekend. Went to a bar called The Underground. And was it ever amazing!! Most bars in Calgary play 75% R&B and 25% Trance/Techno. I was totally spoiled by this bar, it was about 90% Techno/Trance and 10% R&B. It was almost euphoric, but then some of the guys said it coulda been the stuff in the air :P It was really fun, we were leaving at 4AM and it was still going and I only left because everyone else was. I was so hyper, was drinking Vodka/Red Bull all night. I actually didn't get to bed until 10AM the next morning. So much freaking fun. Going to go back on Friday, it's awesome and I want to enjoy the music and the company of everyone.

These last two weeks have totally made up for the first month and I totally owe it to the guys (and 2 girls) here. These people have tried extra hard to make sure I'm enjoying it and am I ever. Now I just have to find souvenirs... I'm going to miss them all :(

- Sorean

Feb 12th 2k6 11:00PM - Polish Time

Wow, what a blast this weekend. I gotta admit that I'll have to take all the things back that were negative, well most of them. The agents took me out this weekend and we had a blast. Since we were off early on Thursday we ended up going to a bar called The Park. Pretty nice there, you'll see the first picture is a table full of beer, each one of those cost a buck, if that. I had a lot.... I was actually drunk that night, but not to the point where I threw up or anything, but it was a pretty fun time. Talked a lot to the guys and girls that I work with, surprisingly, I am in fact the second youngest person working over here. Talked about a belief in true love, talked about relationship problems and how to deal with them, talked about family issues, the list goes on. There was some god forsakenly long Polish word they wanted me to try, but I can't even remember it. We caught the night bus home. Apparently they have buses that run even at night, but only once every 30 minutes. Got home just fine though, bit drunk, but it was fun.

Friday we went out bowling had a lot of fun doing this, and had a good time chillaxing after. The pictures state a lot more than the stories that I have, but they really can't be said because of circumstances.

Going to a club this Friday, they're taking me, should be fun :)

- Sorean

Feb 6th 2k6 10:17 AM - Polish Time

So on Friday night we were all supposed to go out to the pub and after about 90 minutes of wandering around they finally found a Pub where we could actually have a beer and sit down at. By that time I had such a bad headache (probably due to lack of sleep) that the smoke really made it worse. I didn't even stay for a drink, I said I was going home. After I left the pub I actually ended up wandering around Old Town for another hour and a half.

Man, did it feel nice to be able to walk around, in and out of shops and not get stared at (Old town is one of the main tourist spots here). There are a lot of classy looking pubs, but I sure didn't feel like going in. Man do CD's not cost a lot here, brand new CDs are equal to about 15 bucks a pop. I'm also able to find trance CDs and what not for pretty cheap here, ones that would usually cost an arm and a leg to get in Calgary because it is not mainstream there, but it sure is here. I've picked up a couple to say the least :)

I also took some pictures found here and I know some of them didn't turn out properly, but meh :P what do you expect at night? Cental station is pretty much equal to downtown for the C-train station. It's a pretty nice central hub for the city, pretty cool because they have a very well laid out tram system as well as subway transport. Also a varity of stores line the underground tunnels.

The picture of the really big building is the cultural center, seems pretty nice on the outside. Supposedly built by the Russians as a socialist memorial, or something like that. Statues were part of that place as well (these turned out badly, I almost feel ashamed for putting them up).

Well time for work, and back to training the new class

- Sorean

Jan 26th 2k6 10:33 PM - Polish Time

I've found that I have a couple of gripes with this city and it's people. First off the smog. You know when you go to the bar and then come home and all you can smell is the damn smoke? Yeah, it's like that every night here and it's starting to disgust me. If I wanted to smell like smoke I'd take it up, can't believe I used to complain about it when I first moved to Calgary from Saskatoon.

You know how some people look at you and they have an absolute look of distain? For some reason or another this happens at least once a day on the way to work and from complete strangers too. I've done nothing wrong nor deserve that kind of bullshit from these people. The funny thing is that it seems like it's only been from the elderly, and not even those that are from the WWII generation, the ones younger than that. Perhaps it's some residual affect, but nonetheless it's a joke that is quickly wearing thing.

So I actually get tomorrow off and it will be the first time since I got here where I get 2 days off in a row. *In a dull voice* Whoopee. I never thought I'd be working 6 day weeks straight, but at the same time, I can't really remember much of it, it's been mostly a blur. Training, interviewing, training, interviewing, reviewing, orgranising, it seems somewhat frustrating to have so much to do, yet so little time to do it. The interviewing process is what's killing me. Every hour for 8 sometimes 9 hours a day I have interview scheduled, I think I'm past the 30 people mark easily. Some are really good and others.... well they know their English sucks and end the interview for me, well this has actually only happened once, but it's still too many times. Most of them don't even understand half of the things I ask them; or they focus on key words and talk about that hoping to stumbe upon the right answer. There are few that honestly understand every word I say to them. Technical can be taught quickly, a language cannot and that's what I stand by; especially if our customers are listening to these people.

In regards to the song lyrics below, I was simply listening to their CD while just waiting around and realized that there was a whole lot of truth to it. As bad as we may think things are, some people have it worse and others have it better. A natural balance.

P.S. Having your bank card disabled sucks

- Sorean

Jan 22nd 6:31 PM - Polish Time

Right Now - Fort Minor
Someone right now is leaving their apartment looking down at the street wondering where there car went

Someone in the car sitting at a signal in front of a restaraunt staring through the window at someone
right now with their finger in their teeth who could use a little floss

Right across the street theres somebody on the curb who really needs a jacket spent half the rent at a
bar getting plastered now hes gotta walk fourteen blocks to work at a shop where hes about to get fired.

Someone right now is looking pretty tired staring at a laptop trying to get inspired Somebody living
right across the street shes wrote the best things shes written all week but her best friends coughing up
blood in the sink cant even think what happened feeling so confused and he knows it looks bad but there
nothing he can do I wonder what its like to be right there in his shoes

But no im just taking it in out the window of a hotel bedroom again tommorrow ill be gone I dont know
when ill be back and this world everything can change just like that, that, just like that, just like that
that, just like that, just like that

Yo somebody right now is dropping his vote inside a box and trying not to get shot in his throat

For the act of freedom right now somebody is stuck in Iraq hoping that he gets shipped back breathing in
a war that hes not really sure of the reasons so we show our support when the press mislead them though we
more then remain proud and salute the troops get some I know you boys got some work to do

Meanwhile right now someones 25 to life and is stading on the corner with their thumb up hitchiking
stratching off a lotto ticket hoping for a real winner sneaking through the border just to work and to eat
a real dinner

Right now someone wishes they were you were not instead of second guessing freedom thoughts of quiet suicide

But right now im staring at the window at a frame with holes in his arm and holes in his jeans he pulled
out his siger and sparked the light and walked right around the corner just outta my sight

But yo im just taking it in from the second story hotel window again, the TV's on, and my bags are
packed, but in this world everything can change just like that, like that, like that, like that,

Ya right now somebody sitting in the darkness trying to figure out how to put some heat in their
apartment but they got a little matress and a little carpet and they appreciate it cause some people on a park bench

You seem them when you rushing to get to the office wife robbed blind when she coming from the market
right now somebody coming out from the pocket trying to dump that rock they run around the block with at
the same time the cops is raising the block with aim to fill your legs and back with some hot shit

Right now somebody struggling to stop this man whos kick and punching and cussing at the doctors

Down the hall the child taking his first breath the doctors aint even passed him to the nurse yet yo I
wonder if he understands what its worth yet like the time spent while we here on the earth yet the answer
to the question that we all seek can be found Depend on how free y'all think

Right now its somebody who aint eat all week that would kill for the shit that you throw away in the
street I guess ones mans trash is the next mans treaure one mans pain is the next mans pleasure one say
infinity the next say forever right now erbody got to get it together man

Im just taking it in another strange hotel lobby again put my luggage on my back i dont know where im at
im in world where we all change just like that, like that, like that, just like that, like that, just like that

Just like that, Just like that

- Sorean

Jan 17th 1:10 PM - Polish Time

Alrighty, time for another update. I've been pretty busy with work and getting things sorted our properly, but our office is finally coming together. Furniture has been started to be put in and hopefully by the end of the week we will have the main area all set up. The training class has gone well so far, just getting a little blowback from the difference of teaching style and time frame that I'm forced to work with. It's a little frustrating when one person expects one thing, and another expects something completely different. I think I'm going to just shut up, do what I'm told and then go home :P No going out, no doing anything, but I might just be saying that because I'm being bitter. I'm sure I can rise above what needs to be done, but damn if it's not agravating. Who knew I would be so stressed?

It might be because I'm young, but the culture here is so different (who woulda thought?). People my age are still in school and working on their masters, people don't typically work until later on in life. I was talking to the trainees and people don't get married here until their mid 30s where a lot of North American's have this done by their mid 20s. Granted this is mainly because of the cultural expectations because people here do not work when they are young. Working in your teens is fairly uncommon here and they have a very rigid working structure. People of certain age is expected to have certain experiences. If the choice were to hire a 25 year old and a 40 year old for a management position the 40 year old would get it even if he has less management experience than the 25 year old.

My main mode of transportation consists of the tram (older version of the C-train) and I experience some different things. It seems that there are two exteremes when an older person gets on I often see a younger person get up and offer their seat to an older person (and they say chilvilary is dead). But, on the other extereme, I've had old people just walk into me without so much as a "Tchprasham" (Excuse me). Seriously, they'll just walk right into you without a second thought. It is something that kinda bugs me :P And it's not like it's a couple of them, it's like all of them. Maybe they don't like asians or something... Speaking of which, I think I've seen a total of 3 asians in this city so far. My roommate claims to have seen 10

- Sorean

Jan 8th 11:49 PM - Polish Time

So I figured that I've had enough time to fully recover and do a blog post right. Well it's more of random thought but there's a lot of them.

Came home from work tonight and it was absolutely beautiful out, people are complaining and dressing like it's -30, but my god, I could spend winters like this forever. I must admit though, there is a biting cold wind when there is one. Good thing I have lotion because it would seriously dry you up if you're not bundled up.

TV here rocks!! Well more specifically the music channels. There are several music channels that are entirely devoted to trance. There's a couple of other top 40 channels and I swear I'm going to go crazy if I hear hung up by Madonna one more time. It's been on like a bajillion times and a decent song, but like all things that get repeated too much, it gets annoying. I must say though, she's not bad looking for a woman her age and I'll stand by that statement. The only thing is that Ken and I have been listening to nothing but the same songs over and over.

Another thing I've noticed about TV here is the "late night shows" You know which ones I'm talking about, the ones where they have a bunch of girls in bikini's on TV inviting you to call, well that's all you ever see over in North Amercia, well that's not the case over here, all you female readers can skip to the next paragraph now unless you want to know what is actually on TV here, give me a break, I'm a guy :D. So they have girls that are litterally playing with themslves on TV, taking off their bras and playing with their breasts, hands down the panties (but don't actually show anything), girls kissing girls on beds and getting naked, it's so not like TV back home, you usually have to pay for the channels that you see here. Now don't get me wrong, was flipping through and like most guys, it caught my interest :P.

Thank god CNN is still in english

Pictures are located here and you can see a couple of things. One, the appartment is pimp! It looks like it came out of an IKEA catalog and lives like one too. I would love to have a place like this, but with a few tweaks obviously. You can see the mask that was originally in my room and it just creeped me out, I don't think I could have slept with that thing staring at me.

The trip here was less than plesant, I got the engine seat every time so I had a problem sleeping on the trip. On the transatlantic flight I was stuck next to the emergency exit. What did this mean? I got to freeze my arm off all night. The in-flight data recorded that it was -61 outside the plane..... with that temperature slipping in through the freezing of the door I didn't exactly have the best flight. I must say a huge Thank you out to Stephanie for buying me a neck pillow, this thing helped immensily for sleeping. Oh yeah, there's a picture there about the crowded that had to wait for the warsaw flight. We were delayed 2 hours in Toronto because of weather, but damn did it ever screw me up sleep wise and planning wise. Oh here's another unsettling thing. When we landed in Warsaw everyone on the plane, and I mean everyone clapped.....

Work wise, there's still a lot for me to do, I'm not sure if I will be able to get it done when I want to, but I have vowed that I won't be going anywhere or go sight seeing until my job is done. I came here to work first and I have to remember that.

Well that's it for now, I'll update more later on or when things come to mind. I have to update the old fashion way (notepad), text based and updating the file so that means no spellcheck and I don't really care :P

- Sorean

Jan 5th, 2006, 1:15 PM - Polish Time

Well i'm safely here, time to rest up and get settled in, more posts coming later.


Jan 2nd 12:15 AM

Happy New Year One and all. Last night was freaking amazing. Minsitry of Sound put on a show and it's the first New Years Eve that I haven't planned a party for.... well I guess I kinda did plan the event and what to do and got people to come with me, but it wasn't me throwing the party. Paul Jackson was the DJ and he was pretty damn good, the music was awesome! IT was Myself, Lindz, Renny, McKenna, Heather, and Michelle. Michelle is a girl from work, a Saskie like myself and a pretty cool cat. Though a bit odd she is. Anyway, it was an awesome time and I'll be trying to get the pics of the show up soon, shouldn't be too hard, just gotta rip the images off my camera.

Man, was I ever drunk last night. It was easily the first night that I've been drunk and completely enjoyed myself without a negative thing at all impacting the night. Started drinking around 3:30 I think and didn't stop until about 1. I know I had a beer for the countdown at the club and I chuged it at midnight, but I can't remember much. The night was nothing more than a smattering of memories.

So, leaving for Poland in 2 days and I haven't packed yet..... that's what the day is devoted to when I get up. A lot of packing and planning. Why do I always leave things to last minute? Meh, who care, it'll get done and worse comes to worse, I'll go and buy clothes over there. The exchange rate is about 3 to 1 so it's supposed to be some pretty good living :D

Am I going to make any new year's resolutions? Why bother? People always end up breaking them one way or another and to be honest, I don't think I need to set any rules for myself. I always do what I feel is right and damn if things don't always seem to work out for me. The only things I really plan for when I get back is to find a volleyball league to play in on Tuesday nights. I know there are leagues out there and I want to get back into the volleyball circle and damn if I don't miss it. A regular shift means a regular life which means I can start working out and eating regularily. I'm going to love it, I just know it.

Anyway, time to head to bed so I can get a good jump on tomorrow and packing. Happy New Year Everyone!

- Sorean