These are the Archives of my past news updates, I'll try to be maintaining this for as long as I have my page running.

Dec 27th 12:17 AM

So unlike the masses I decided to stay home for Boxing day and save some money. Thanks to my roommate I ended up having to buy new glasses last week. 600 bucks later I own a new pair of every day wear and a pair of blue tinted "sunglasses". The cool thing is that I can wear them as every day wear too. They don't stand out like sunglasses :) Oh yeah, I also bought myself a digital camera for Christmas.

Well what ddi I do on Christmas day and Eve? I worked :P It wasn't all too bad, there was Xbox and movies, but still, not exactly the ideal way to spend Christmas. My ex was totally into the whole family Christmas and I just never really shared in it. She told me that she wanted me to become a big Christmas type of guy and well, she's right. I volunteered to work Christmas so that others could spend it with their loved ones, least the other managers have their closeness with their families (I assume). I'd like nothing more than to spend next Christmas with someone rather than alone. No I'm not having a pity party, just saying what I'd lik to see happen within the next year :D. At least I'll have a start when I come back from Poland.

When I get back I come back to a normal life. HR has put through that we get static shifts!! 7-3:30 Monday to Fridays for me!! Yay!! Normal gym schedule, normal eatting schedule, normal everything!! I can finally go join a volleyball team and play it competatively like I've wanted to for the past 2 years but couldn't because of work and actually be worth it to pay the fee for the league. But Poland first :)

I leave in just over a week at 6AM local time, have to be at the airport by 3AM to checking in.... retarded. 6 Hour layover in Toronto, which is actually working to my favour. I get to see my mom and sister. They said they were going to meet me at the airport and give me some food. I haven't had my mom's cooking in like 2 years!!

Tomorrow I start packing I've made up my mind that much :)

Well sleepy time, g'nite all.

- Sorean

Dec 25th, 6:30PM

Merry Christmas one and all, more on this to come.

- Sorean

Dec 18th 2:26 PM

Lack of motivation and some funny stuff from other sites from friends:

Stud Offering Rapturous, Erotic, Arousing Necking
Jewel Offering Hot Necking

Let the flaming begin :P

- Sorean  

Dec 1st 7:15 PM

So begins the countdown to Christmas and I suppose I should tell you all about the trip up to Edmonton.

The trip was pretty fun, Friday night we got there and waited for Joey and Lyndon to show up, after they did that we ended up going to Whyte Ave to have some food and some drinks, met up with Joey's friends at their place and played Guesstures. The average age of them seemed to be around 25/26, it was kind of weird, but that group of people was kind of what I want to be around. A more.. for the lack of a better term, sophisticated group. Though there was much trash talking and ineundo it just felt like an older crowd. I like my friends, I really do, I just want us to start doing stuff like that. Saturday was waterpark at West Ed, it was supposed to be Kate and her friend, but her friend didn't show. So we spent most of the day doing waterslides and hitting up the waves. Most definately fun, but there was one disturbing thing.

During the swim there was a lifegaurd that had to jump in to get a little girl. Her parent just stood there at the side and watched. Shouldn't you be watching your own kid? God, the ignorance of parents really astounds me, I could never imagine being a negligent parent like that. People in the past have said, "It only takes a second" and they're dead right.

Back to the day it was shopping, we got Lindz a pair of leather gloves and a gift for Agnes for Christmas. Afterwards we went for dinner and watched Harry Potter on the IMAX screen. It's one thing to watch a movie, it's another to watch it on an IMAX screen. It's a pretty good movie and I still need to read the 5th and 6th book. Afterwards we went for a couple drinks and then we went back to the hotel to call it a night, well Lindz, Joey, and Lyndon went out. Kate and I just stayed in. Sunday was the drive back and Steak night as usual.

My work christmas party was last week and I took Agnes to it and it was really fun, free drinks, and door prizes. I got 50 dollars at Chinook mall and this will help with christmas shopping.

In just over a month I'll be headed to Poland.... first trip ever off this continent and I don't even have luggage, time to go shopping for that too. Damn, so much money needed....not enough to have. Damn... oh well. I leave the first week of January and come back the last week of Feburary so I'll be gone a while, should be a definate interesting experience and I really should start brushing up on more of my Polish, who am I kidding? I need to really learn it, but from what people are telling me is that almsot everyone there speaks English so I should be safe there. A friend at work told me that when I speak Cantonese there is a thick accent and you know what? That kind of disturbs me. I guess I can't help it, a lack of speaking the language, the ability to speak 4 languages (2 to an extent) isn't too bad I guess. Jack of all trades, master of none. Ah well, time to take things a day at a time again.

- Sorean

Nov 17th 1:48 PM

A friend sent me this and I thought it was pretty funny, he said it was a good description of me :P Apparently written from a woman's perspective.


Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It...

In the wide world of dating, there are many options. Do you go for the flashy guy with the smooth smile, or the dude in the corner typing away on his laptop? The following are reasons why I think my fellow females should pay more attention to the quiet geeks and nerds, and less attention to the flashy boys.

1.) While geeks and nerds may be awkward, they’re well-meaning 9 out of 10 times. That smooth dude with the sly grin and the spider hands? Wonder what HIS intentions are... plus, I’ve never had a geek guy not call me when he said he would. Score major points THERE.

2.) They’re useful. In this tech-savvy world, it’s great to have a b/f who can make your laptop, desktop, and just about anything else that plugs into a wall behave itself.

3.) They’re more romantic than they’re given credit for. Ok true, their idea of romance might be to make up a spiffy web-page with all the reasons why they love you, with links to pics of you and sonnets and such... but hey. It lasts longer than flowers, plus you can show your friends.

4.) Due to their neglected status, there are plenty to choose from. You like ‘em tall and slender? There are plenty of geeks/nerds who are. You like ‘em smaller with more meat on their bones? Got that too.

5.) They’ve got brains. Come on now, how can intelligence be a bad thing?

6.) Most are quite good at remembering dates. Like birthdates and such, especially if they know it’ll make you happy. Plus, with all that down time without a steady girlfriend, they’ll likely have mental lists of all the things they’d love to do once they GOT a girlfriend.

7.) They’re relatively low-maintenance. Most can be fueled on pizza, Twinkies and Mt Dew. No complicated dinners needed here, so if you’re not the best cook, eh. Can you order a pizza?

8.) Most frequent bars as often as slugs frequent salt mines. You won’t have to worry much about your geek guy getting his “groove” on with club hotties because, frankly, he’ll be too busy rooting around under his computer wondering where that spare cable went. You won’t have to worry about him flirting with other women because, 9 out of 10 times, he’ll zip right by them in a perfect b-line towards the nearest electronics store. I’ve seen this happen.
Me: “Eww. Victoria Secret’s Models... They’re so skinny. How is that feminine? You can see her ribs!”
Geek Guy: “ooooooo...”
Me: “Hey!” *notices he is staring lustfully towards the computer store*
Geek Guy: “What?”
Me: “Never mind...”

9.) Although he may not want to go to every outing with you, you can arrange swaps, as in, you’ll go to his Gamer Con dressed as an elf princess if he’ll take you to the ballet. Plus, if he doesn’t want to go someplace with you, you won’t have to worry much about what he’s up to. You’ll probably come home to find him asleep on his keyboard in a sea of Mt. Dew cans with code blinking from the screen. It’s ok. He’s used to this. Just toss a blanket over him and turn out the light.

10.) His friends aren’t jerks. I can’t stress this enough. You’ll more likely get “Omg! A GIRL!! Can I see?!” than “Hey hot stuff back that a** up here and let me get some grub on...” They’re awkward geeks too and will, 9 times out of 10, treat you with the utmost respect and, more than likely, a note of awe. A cute girl picked one of their clan to date? It could happen to them! Hope! Drag some of your single girlfriends over, open up a pack of Mt. Dew, crack open the DnD set and get working. Nothing impresses geek guys more than a girl who can hack-n-slash (well ok maybe if she can code... a geek can dream).

11.) They’re rarely if ever possessive. They trust you, so you can be yourself around them. You like to walk around the house in a ratty t-shirt for comfort? He won’t care. He does too! They won’t get pissy if you don’t wear make-up or don’t want to bother primping your hair. If you gain a few pounds, they won’t try their best to make you feel like crap.

12.) They’re usually very well educated. Physics majors and the like. See #5. You won’t have to listen to him blathering on about his car (ok maybe a little), he’ll have loads of other interesting things to talk about. Politics, world events, how much the chicken burgers down at the local place rock, so long as you douse them in hot sauce...

13.) You’ll almost never have to hear, “Yaw dawg whazzap!!” plop out of their mouths. Unless it’s in jest. They spell properly, use correct punctuation, and are able to tell the difference between the toilet and the floor. They almost never get “wasted”, so you won’t have to worry about coming home to find him and his friends passed out on the floor amidst a pile of beer bottles. Mt. Dew cans, perhaps...

14.) And the final reason why geeks and nerds make great boyfriends: They actually care about you. Not how you look (though that’s a plus), not how skinny you are, not how much make-up you primp yourself up with, but they like you for you. That kind of thing lasts longer than “DaMN baby you got a fine a**!!!” Believe me.

Next up on the list is a trip to Edmonton for this weekend, I've already booked rooms and a car that I'm gonna rent, a Grand Prix type car is gonna run me about 160 or so and gas so hell yeah if I want to try out a new car before I decided what type I'm gonna buy next year, if I end up buying one next year.

Poland is fast approaching and when I go back to work I'll have a ton of resumes to go through for that new location.... *sigh* never thought I'd be where I am right now at my age.

Speaking of age, I still don't understand the level of maturity or lack thereof for those that are putting stupid posts in my shoutbox. Oh well, hopefully they'll grow out of it, like any phase a child goes through. Is attacking this person this way mature? probably not, but I can edit the entries in my shout box and I do have access to track these people. Nothing like electronic fingerprints. If they end up becoming enough of a hassel, I will involve the authorities, I'm tired of playing nice and being polite. Some people just need to be taught a lesson.

- Sorean

Nov 11th, 2005, 1:11AM

In Flanders Fields by John McCrae

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.


In rememberance of those that have been lost.


Nov 7th, 2005, 4:02PM

So after a bit of an absence I return to updating this site. Not much has gone on, but nothing too much has happend, but I guess some stuff has.

I'll be leaving for Poland in the new year for a couple of weeks. My company is sending me there and I still can't believe it. I'm trying to learn Polish and apparently I have the pronunciation down I just have to learn what to say and what I'm saying means. I do have one problem though, I can't roll the letter R. You know that old Tim Horton's commercial where people were "Rolling up the Rrrrrrrrim" to win? Yeah, I can't do that and it's a huge part of the Polish language, I feel so frustrated by it. Damn my tongue!!

Lindz B-day party was this past week and holy crap did we have some fun. I think it was the most drunk that I have been all year. My BBQ I was pretty drunk, but nowhere near that hammered. I was actually up until 6AM that night, damn it was fun, had a lot of talks with the guys and well it was pretty fun. Lots of peopel showed up and picture to come.

Well I've pretty much become the envy of all the Hunters in the guild/alliance that I'm in. Full set and epic bow/staff, just need some trinkets, ring, and neck and I'll be set :)

Today I had a really good work out, there's just something about a dry sauna afterwards that makes your body feel so relaxed.

In other news, the trip to Edmonton is coming up soon and I believe that it will be shortened due to people's work restrictions. We'll be leaving Friday morning still but coming back Sunday night instead. That reminds me, I still have to book the car, meh, worse comes to worse I'm sure we can take one of the many that any of us drive there.



Oct 28th 11:12 AM

This is just wrong, I cannot belive how intolerant that some people still are. After you watch this, you won't believe what kinda stuff goes on this day. I find it hard to believe that this still occur. I wish people would just get along :P


Oct 24th 9:27 PM

I can't believe that I missed this skit back in the day when I used to follow the show.


Oct 18th 10:15 PM

I honestly can't remember the last time I got so worked up about some retard about his view. The current retard in question is Mr. John B. Thompson, or Jack Thompson as many of those in the gaming world know. Why the hell did I even give him the proper title? As far as I'm concerned this man needs to be quickly ignored so he can go back to his law office in wherever the hell it is USA. Just for laziness sake I'm going to post a conversation I had with someone last night about it.







wow, Jack Thompson is a fucking retard












remind me to tell you about him next time you're free or we get together






cuz I know you have work to do






no go ahead and type






For the past couple of months this self righteous advocate of anti-violence in video games has been doing nothing but non-stop dedgredation of video game players, makes, and even sponsers. In recent weeks, he has even talked about offering up $10,000 to a company that will make a game of him taking revenge on all those above mentioned.












The game was made and he claimed that he was making the comment out of satire and not of actuality. In fact he then went on to say that the 10,000 will be donated to charity. Which got the people at Penny Arcade fairly pissed off.










read the thing from Monday






in fact, several comics have made fun of this guy:






So Penny Arcade donated 10,000 to a charity to make fun of Jack Thompson and he is retalitating by trying to get these comic artists arrested.






by the way, the biggest irony is that his "game proposal" is of him killing people....






enough said






yeah I caught that one...






so I just think he's a retard






fuck, video games don't make people violent, idiots like him do






and how a lawyer can be so blinded by the fact that he thinks he is right completely escapes me






correct me if I'm wrong, but should lawyers not examine all facts before passing judgement?






yes well






most ppl done












I'm empahizing the fact that he's a lawyer. His very occupation is completely contray to the position that he's taken on this matter. It is not up to him to decide what type of video games are made, but gamers, us as a populus






If anything, parents should be the ones teaching their kids what is right and wrong, what is good and evil, what is accepted and what is not. His focus is completely off balance.






damn, I feel like I'm in debate club again :P






I dunno






its also up to society to raise kids....






its like putting a fat kid in a candy store and then yelling at hime when he eats the lollypop






what did you think was gonna happen






how did the kid get that fat in the first place?






i dunno






just saying






no offence






but violent video games serve no purpose






and everyone knows young kids are going to be tempted to play them and probably will






so why make them inthe first place......






At any rate, you love mario don't you?






even that game in it's simplicity promoted violence, yet we all saw it as a comical value. How did you kill bad guys in there? Jumping on their head, Fireballs. As 8-bit as it was, it was still violence, we've just become desensitized to such a thing.






yeah but you never heard anybody say "omg! He tried to kill a turtle by blowing fire out his mouth just like on that game!" did you?






the link isn't that far away












mario does not promote violence against others






I'm gonna go burn a turtle with this gas can and matches!! Hey.... this works on people too.






unless you count smash brothers












damn it






beat me :P






and in that case it doesn't show any gore or blood and you don't die






you "run out of lives"






the same concept is there, but in a more comedic/childish fashion






people actually go and get the same guns as those other games and shoot people for their cars












its not life like like those other games are






and thats what most people are saying the problem is






saying mario is violent is like saying whackamole is violent....






and it isn't?






see, now you're getting my point about this Jack Thompson guy :D






whereas saying grand theft auto is violent is like saying... i dunoo...boxing is violent..






it is






well he kinda has a point






though he is going about it the wrong way






I don't think you guys should play violent video games






it does desensetize you to violence






and many people don't see a problem with repeating what they see






and why don't those people see the difference?






it is a fucked up world...and I don't see the point in encouraging or giving anyone ideas






that's the point that people like Gabe and Tim Buckley are making






not true






plenty of kids that do shit like that are with their parents






or are told not to by their parents






honestly, how many kids listen to their parents the first time






it only takes once






there are hundreds, thousands, millions of us gamers out there who have played these violent video games and have not killed someone?






doesn't meaqn you haven't hurt someone






how many of those gamers do you think are violent or have violent tendancies






or how';s this...






it's the same story about that european girl that got killed by playing "power rangers"






how many do you think are out there that have disappointed friends or families because they have been gaming too much or missed something important because they were gaming






no offence






but I will never be totally pro for any game






especially not violence games






there have been plenty, but those are the people that don't know what matter in their life






educational, ok, jsut playing for giggles, ok, but there is so much better things in life than games






if you were to ask me to come out with you on a Friday night instead of doing what I would normally do, I would do it in a heartbeat.






even it it meant not leading 39 other people






games are just for fun and entertainment.






you went to DeVry






how many guys there do you think spent their lifes glued to games.....






most of them werer antisocial, and if you bugged them about it got agitated and pretty mean






true, but that doesn't mean that they don't know how to cope






so while you guys say it may not make everyone violent, games are affecting milliions of people in a poor way.






they don't






I'm also sure 1/2 of them wouldn't know what to do with a naked girl either












and instead of being glued to a game and were actually social they probably would!






yet you just drunk yourself silly Friday by yourself when you could have called me






I wasn't by myself






I had a friend






and we watched movies and ate food and cake and had a good time






right, I forgot <cat's name>












<cat's name> doesn't drink






smart girl






see, her mommy is a good mommty






I don't let her play anything but G rated games either :)






course I am home all the times






....... exactly my point






most parents don't have that luxury






?????? says: see, her mommy is a good mommty ?????? says: I don't let her play anything but G rated games either






in fact a lot of parents don't have that luxury






and my point is its nto the parents fault most of the time






who is supposed to watch the kids when its a single parent because the ass left and mom needs to work 3 jobs just to pay rent?????






or vice versa






you don't own violent video games






hell you need to have a double income just to get by with kids these days






no but when you have a 17yr old son and a 10 yr old






guess who buys the violent games and guess who finds them...






c' most 17yr old boys don't have a porn stash that most of their younger brothers find






I didn't






but I'm an exception :P






which is also why almost all girls will say most men have a warp sense of sex....






same thing






gonna blame the parents on that one too?






lol, what ever happened to the birds/bees talk?












somehow I don't think blow jobs and anal sex come into that talk....






but it always seems to come up in porn...






no, but the Karma Sutra does......




































just say it, not like we don't share opinions :P












just laughign my ass of over her






could you picture you mom talking to you about htat












I actually never had that talk, it was more of school taught program






but nothing like the KS though






lol yeah my mom kinda sorta mentioned it after the fact






that I..... don't even remember how I found out about it






lol don't wanna knw












I don't even remember so how could I tell you?






you know, it was probably from a TV show






lol lets not even get started on tv












i gotta work






heh, another one of Socity's problems :P






i'll ttyl






it was fun debating, haven't done that with someone in a while

























Watch me get flamed from this Jack Thompson guy too, but should he find this I have a message for him. We as gamers are intelligent people and how a person like you got so warped is beyond my comprehension, as in my above conversation, I stated that you are a lawyer and should be following logic, but yet, with your rantings and ramblings, you have done nothing but discredit yourself and look like a fool. People know who I am people know that I am a gamer, but you certainly know nothing about what you are saying. Million, upon millions of gamers play every day, killing, maiming, destroying. The difference is that we know that it's a game, we know the consequences of those actions in real life. We are tired of people like you who blame society's problems on a scape goat, first it was rap music, then clothing and now video games, next thing we know you're going to start blaming cows for providing gamers with milk so they can be big and strong to beat people up. There are so amny things that you simply do not understand. They say one man can bring about change in the world, Jack Thompson is not that man.

Here are some articles in regards to this idiot or just go here:

- Sorean

Oct 12th 10:35AM

David Blaine has nothing on this guy.


Oct 7th 11:52 AM

Opening: Well I guess it's been a while and damn if I ever let time lapse. Well I've had the past week off and really haven't done much, worked out, cleaned, gamed, hung out with friends, pretty much trying to save money for the winter and for next year when I have to travel to Toronto for my sister's grad. It will be something to see even though she doesn't know what she wants to take in University or do after that, regardless though, she is still my sister and it will be a good thing to see her graduate.

Cousin: That reminds me, a couple weeks ago my cousin moved up to Calgary. He's like a younger verison of me which is scary. Volleyball player, video gamer, and going to DeVry too and pretty much taking the same thing that I took. At least it's going to give me some motivation to look for a volleyball team because he wants to play and I guess it's up to me (like it usually is to get things started) to get this idea off the ground, I just have to find when the leagues play. Hopefully I can find one that goes on Tuesday nights or Saturday/Sunday afternoons. Ideally those are the times that I'm looking at.

Edmonton: So last year we headed up to Edmonton for a weekend of shopping, relaxing and seeing someone that I hadn't in a long time. I'm looking to repeat it this year, hopefully I can get it for the weekend of November 18-21 or a matter of days in there. The difference this time is that I'm going to rent a car I think. Usually only costs like 30 bucks a day I just have to find out if anyone is going to let me do that. Not that I don't trust my baby, but she isn't in the same shape as she was last year. It's going to be another of the same plan, Christmas shopping for the people I care about. Only difference is I'm not really sure who I should be buying presents for or at least to what degree. Heh, it took me, Lindz, and Joey 3 hours to figure out what to get Agnes and it ended up being something to get from Calgary anyway, speaking of which... we're gonna be stuck in the same prediciment again this year. Either way though, plan is to hit up Edmonton for a weekend of Fun and this year, I will be going to the water park, I am going to have some fun and I have to find a closer hotel this time... maybe I'll get the other guys to look it up instead of having to do it again, bah I'm detecting a trend here.

Imposter: You know I have no idea who is trying to pretend to be me, but I have a very, very strong suspicion as to who it is, I mean the most recent comment supposedly coming from me? " I really need to you all to please put names on your comments so I know who to tell to fuck off" Seroiusly, does that sound like me? Maybe in a bad mood, but c'mon, whoever is doing is is being very childish. I really don't want to put the type of authentication that make it difficult for other people, but if it comes to that then obviously the ones that want to leave me a message are the ones that actually do interact with me on a regular basis and want to keep in touch. All it takes is one bad apple and it ruins it for everyone. Whoever it is, grow the fuck up because you are starting to piss me off. If you want to do shit like that put your name to it and don't hide behind the pretense that you're me because as someone said the last time I brought this up," You know what they say, impersonation is the greatest form of flattery.... or is that jealousy?" In this case, I think it's jealousy because they trying to destroy my reputation. People like this are just petty.

Flames Game one: So on Wednesday was the season opener for the NHL, finally we get hockey after 16 long months!! Damn time never seems to be a factor until you actually reflect on it. At any rate it was a pretty close game until the end, actually it wasn't really, Flames lost 6-3. But having the bar atmosphere wasn't too bad, the night only ended up costing about 100 bucks so no big deal, I just hope they do well this year. I'm in two hockey pools and I got Kipper in one of them and damn those 5 goals hurt, but the way things are going, it's going to be pretty average I think.

BBQ/WoW: So since the last post about the BBQ I've actually had Lindz and Renny over here ever Sunday until recently and we've just been firing up some steaks and playing some games, not bad, but it's a good way for us to keep in touch, mind you I see Lindz every week at work anyway :P

Real TV: No, I'm not talking about reality shows here, but acutally watching TV which I have been, I've been watching the three following shows, Prison Break, The war at home, and How I Met Your Mother (At the suggestion of Kassidy) which have all been really good shows, except now that the stupid baseball playoffs are on TV so no more prison break :( But this is the first time I've been following TV for the first time since the second Survivor which was like grade 12 I think, either way, they're pretty good shows and I suggest that everyone start watching.

French Songs: For some reason I've gotten listening to the top hits of French songs and they actually are pretty good and actually kind of drive me back to learning French which is sad, I used to be able to have full conversations with Andrea when we both first moved here, now it's pretty much all but lost, maybe a winter project :) I suggest that you listen to the two following songs, even if you don't understand you can still appreciate the songs: Gregory Lemarchal - Ecris L'histoire & Corneille - Toi

Well I think that's enough outta me for now doesn't really make up for 2 weeks of missing updates, but I guess it's a start.

- Sorean

Sept 22nd, 2005, 2:30 PM

An eccentric philosophy professor gave a one question final exam after a semester dealing with a broad array of topics.

The class was already seated and ready to go when the professor picked up his chair, plopped it on his desk and wrote on the board: "Using everything we have learned this semester, prove that this chair does not exist."

Fingers flew, erasers erased, notebooks were filled in furious fashion. Some students wrote over 30 pages in one hour attempting to refute the existence of the chair. One member of the class however, was up and finished in less than a minute.

Weeks later when the grades were posted, the rest of the group wondered how he could have gotten an A when he had barely written anything at all.

His answer consisted of two words: "What chair?"

Sometimes the easist answer is the best one.

- Sorean

Sept 17th 9:47PM

Like most of my friends I've seemed to have neglected this website. Oops :P But it's not that big a deal nor has it been that exciting. Working a lot, establishing myself as part of the company and it's great.

For the past month now I've been having Lindz and Renny over for dinner on Sunday's, it's kinda nice and relaxing, us gamer geeks we are. We BBQ then we game, nice and quiet.

Like I said, nothing major, oh yeah, had to do external training for a guy, turns out that my time is worth about 600 US a day. Monday I start training the new class again and hopefully I'll have more success. Classes seem to have "less than qualified people" in them or they just don't get it. Who knows, even I may fail miserably at training people.

So I probably didn't get that Poland job, but my boss did tell me that I might be getting sent places. I'll let you know when I go and where I go.

Gaming wise, my guild took down the first 8 bosses on the first try over the past two nights, which is a major accomplishment for us. Next week is going to be an awesome week. I got my bow and my gloves for my hunter this weekend and the hunter boots and shoulders also dropped. So the hunters are starting to do great, I'm happy about the core group that we have :)

- Sorean

Sept 1st 3:07PM

So I've had a smattering of days off and it's been pretty relaxing. I had to finish training one class cuz our trainer walked out. Talk about a lack of balls, but whatever, people handle things differently and obviously this was a person that had no problem burning bridges. I know that person can probably read this if he wants, but you know what? I don't give a flying fuck, if you don't have the balls to even complete a job professionally you don't deserve what you're getting.

So I had a BBQ this past weekend and it went quiet well actually. Lots of people, awesome food :D Pics are here. Wow, looking at those pictures made me realize I was pretty buzzed that night :P

I went and got my passport today just in case I end up getting sent over to Poland, to be honest, I'd like to go for a couple of months, it'd give me a nice break and I can help out over there.

There really hasn't been much going on just working and trying to get things sorted out there. Other than that it's been casual exercise, same old chilling with friends.

Oh yeah, congrats to Lindz on passing his test so now he can stay with the company, be him a phone monkey for now, he'll move up, least I hope he will.

- Sorean

Aug 24th 11:32PM

It's the 3rd day off in the past 15 days and you know what I did? Nothing!! And it was really relaxing, but yet for some strange reason I feel like I've kinda wasted today. I slept until noon and then made lunch, cleaned a bit, played games, and that's pretty much it.

So aside from being swamped with work cuz someone walked out in the most childish way ever I don't really have much to report. The masquarade was a blast like I said earlier, met a lot of people and a lot of people really liked my costume. No one knew who I was off the bat and that was fun :)

Tomorrow is going to be a day of errands and doing things, kinda to make up for today I guess, but it's gonna be some coasting. I really gotta try to keep some sort of balance in my life. I feel a vacation coming up.

- Sorean

Aug 21st 3:17AM

Well I was going to come on and talk about how crappy it was to work the past 9 out of 11 days, but instead I get to bitch about how some people have absolutely zero respect for others.

Tonight was a masquarde party (I'll post pictues as I get them) and I've been looking forward to for the past month, got nicely dressed up and everything. Went to Ken/Faron's BBQ before hand and decided with Lindz that I'll drive and park along a busy street instead of him driving. No biggie. The party went great and as I'm walking back to my car I notice that there's a pile of glass on the ground.... Instantly a feeling of "Oh shit!" built up and as I got closer my fears were realized. First I was pissed off that my CD player/Computer speakers were gone. Then I realized that I had my rollerblades and Andrea's in the back.... they weren't there any more. Gameboy in the glove compartment, CD bundle there as well, both gone. Oh yeah, 2 cases of Barq's too. They cleaned my car out good, but they left my pool cue for some strange reason.

So what should have been a good night (I accidently touched a girl's ass and she gave me pointers on how to compliment girls after doing it :P [Also got a hug/kiss from the same girl too {Never met her before tonight}]) ended very poorly.

All in all about 600 bucks in stolen stuff and 200 in what it's going to cost me to have my passenger side window fixed. Man, I'm not even pissed off about being called in to cover the trainer on Friday anymore. Well I kinda am, but that's besides the point. I'm not really mad either, more just annoyed I guess. If you're wondering, my insurance doesn't cover it, I have collision only and I'm paying as much as some people that have a full package (wrecked car to my name).

Fuck, my mind just isn't even able to place things in a correct order. I'll put together coherrent thoughts later.

- Sorean

PS. I forgot the irony of it all. As we were driving there I was telling Lindz that I was going to park on the street because it'd be safer.....

Here's the link to the pictures because I'm lazy and all things considered yeah.....

Aug 10th 12:36PM

Alrighty, talk about going missing, but I just got back from 6 days off and time to put my nose to the grind stone. Lets see, I took a couple of the days to lay back and game. I fought with my wall unit and won. After I get the place all cleaned up I'll post some pics of my new pad layout.

Actually i pretty much was lazy the whole time to be honest. Worked out a couple of times, but that was generally it I think. Oh wait I almost forgot, on here it's going to be a Happy Belated Birthday to Heather who turned 22 this week. Sigh, we're all getting old. We went out for sushi for her b-day and it was pretty good actually.

Hmmmm oh yeah call center is opening up a new office in Poland sometime in the future, possibly a chance to go there..... right an Asian in Poland, like I don't stick out enough already at Cowboys.... oh well, least I won't get hit with a beer bottle for no reason.

- Sorean

July 25th 11:54 PM

Well it's be a while since I got my lazy ass here, but it's only because I've been out having fun for the past little while. Sure my body hurts like hell and my calves and liver are screaming at me, but it's been pretty damn fun.

So, starting with not this past Sunday, but the one before. Every year my friend Steph and her friends go out and Pub hop on 17th on the last day of stampede. This year was no different and I joined them, I started at 3 and met Steph, Robyn, Danelle, and Tamara, all very great girls to be around and not bad looking either. At any rate, Lindz and Renny joined us soon after and it was nothing but drinking and having fun. Oh yeah, we watch the riders actually put up a fight in a football game and win. At least I think they did. We also hit up this one place where they had the worst service ever. Sat down, and for like 10 minutes, no one came and served us, it was retarded. But Renny bought me my first Red Bull and something drink, kinda good actually. We, well I ended at Sals around midnight, worked the next mroning at 6AM and boy was I ever hurting. I actually was hurting for a couple of days. But it was very, very fun. So much booze and I didn't even want to stop :P I actually made myself go home, but I guess I coulda called in sick, but that's irresponsible :P

Responsibility..... there's a funny word. Just exactly what are we all responsible for? I'm pretty sure we're responsibile for ourselves but how far exactly does our opinion/actions have a valid weight to it? As a parent you are responsible for your child, but what about the rest of you who are my age and reading this? How far do your responsibilites actually extend? How much are you really held accountable for?

On Saturday that just passed we were supposed to go out to the bar with a friend for her birthday, lo and behold she disappeared, but I still took Andrea, Lindz and Renny with me and some of Andrea's friends as well. We had a great time, well I did dancing any way, haven't done that for a while, need to go out and dance more often, with a couple of drinks that is :)

Sunday we ended up going hiking for the morning. It was pretty fun, but damn are my legs hurting now. Oh well, it just means I was doing something right :)

Okay, too tired to write more, but I will update later.

- Sorean

July 15 6:57 PM

Post Stampede Write-Up:

Damn yesterday was fun. 14 hours and 200 bucks later 5 large stuff animals, much food consumed and a day full of fun rides. I just didn't know that those rides would end up causing my whole body to hurt today. But was it ever fun. Went on rides that I never thought I could, guess I can take a lot more than I ever thought I could. Like I said, I'm pretty good at the games, but so much was wasted on just crap :P I can break plates easily and for some reason I found it somewhat enjoyable.... might be because of the "be careful with those plaes John" when I was a kid, either that or we're always told to be careful with breakable stuff. Or I just might enjoy breaking things..... Whack a Mole is fun too. I won like 5 out of 12 games so I got the prizes. I'm a lot more tanned now than when I was before yesterday, but I guess 10 hours in the sun will do that to you :) At any rate my new stuff is here so all I need is to get it set up and then get a camera.

Thornley was awesome last night too!! But it was sadly almost the same show that Lindz and I went to at the bar that one time. Otherwise it was an awesome show, he swore and said SUM 41 sucks and made fun of them, it was an awesome show. Was there with Ashley, Andrea, Mitch, Lindz, McKenna, Janelle, Melanie, and a guy named Chris I think, can't remember, Mel brought him, but it was a great time and everyone had fun :)

Well my body hurts too much and I'm too tired, this will be it for now, later all.


This couple had been debating the purchase of a new auto for weeks.
He wanted a new truck. She wanted a fast little sports car so she could zip through traffic around town.
He would probably have settled on any beat up old truck, but everything she seemed to like was way out of their price range.
"Look" she said, "I want something that goes from 0 to 200 in 4 seconds or less. And my birthday is coming up.
You could surprise me." For her birthday, he bought her a brand new bathroom scale.

- Sorean

July 6th 7:11 PM

Hey, the time is the same as my appt number :P Okay, so I've become update lazy for the past 2 weeks, mainly because I've been very busy trying to keep my job. Okay, so I might not be in that much of a threat of losing it, but there's about 3 weeks left in my probation and I don't want to blow it. I'm pretty sure I won't, but I don't want to knock it. So what's new in the past 2 weeks? Well in a week, I'll be having some things to decorate my place up and it will start looking like a place that i should be living in. And no for you quick witted people, I'm not moving to a cardboard box or am I bringing in dead bodies to make it look like a morgue or anything of that sort. Once I get it set up I'll be trying to get my a digital camera to take pics and show you my new set up.

Lindz, can I borrow your cam? :P

In other news, I got my giantstalker belt last week. I was so stoked to have it :) It's my level 2 set and I don't even have my full level one set yet, but damn, I'm happy that I got it and soon I will get everything :)

Relationships? None to speak of unfortuantely, but it is the summer and stampede is coming up so who knows what's happening. Speaking of stampede, it looks like I'll be down there a couple days this year so whoever wants to go, hit me up with a message or a call. That's it for now, back to work.


June 25th 5:52 PM

Yesterday was one of the most enjoayable days I've had in the longest time and I don't even know why. I was up at 9 AM so I could get my hair cut and coloured. It looks really good now (supposedly). At any rate, I picked Andrea up with me at about 9:30ish and got to Sean's by about 10:15 ( I got lot along the way :P ) While getting the hair cut and coloured I did some odd networking stuff for Sean and fixed the majority of the wireless problem he was having. Well at the end of it all, managed to fix 5 computers and re-network a house. This was around 1:15 that we finished and finally was able to head out to lunch and we feasted, neither of us had had any breakfast at all. We went to Ricky's Bar and Grill and was the food good, well the dessert anyway. Big breakfast for me, Thai salad for her. Dessert = Chocolate Tiger cake, holy crap was it good. Imagine chololate, vanilla, and a chocolate layer of cake separated by a mixed layer of white and milk chocolate, topped off with whip cream.... mmmmmmmmmm. Women may be onto something when they say it's a good substitute... After a quick freakout that I couldn't find my wallet after we had eatten (it was in my car) we went in search for a Bar-B-Q. An hour and 300 dollars later I had me a new BBQ and tank. Sadly, the box did not fit into my car :( Had to take the thing outta the box in pieces and put it into my car. Needless to say it was difficult to get it into the elevator and up to the appartment. Now after that was the requiprement to put the damn thing together. After about an hour, Andrea and I had put together a pretty damn nice BBQ. She was supposed to go home and do some work, but who can refuse a Steak Dinner? So some Corn on the cob and steaks later we were nicely plied with food. I took her home after that as she had to do some work and I got back around 7 PM and was able to join my guild in their MC run. Too bad MC was too laggy to actually run it. So we went raiding instead, was up until 4AM running instances, too bad I got nothing outta them. Either way, I had a highly enjoyable day and I don't even know why. I definately know that what happened yesterday was a nice balance of a day off. I wish every single one... well maybe not every one of them, but a lot of them are like that. It was just a generally feel good day :)

- Sorean

June 21st 11:00 AM

Happy Birthday Maggie!! Dunno why, but I doubt she'll even see this :P

- Sorean

June 17th 11:00 PM

May my soul rot in hell should this ever become me.

In other news I'm actually starting to enjoy life again, even though I know I'm kind of on a self destructive path :P Not working out as much, spending too much time on games, but I'm getting more of a life again. I'm a social creature and I love it, I should say the people I'm around. Still single, but that's not the point, yes it's nice to have some there, but at the same time, I don't want someone just because it's someone that can be there. Kinda sad really... stupid oxymorons.

I've started looking at a new car, but before I do that I should ask my insurance company because of my record.... *sigh* I can afford a new car, but I think the insurance is going to kill me. I'm paying almost 200 bucks a month just for collision insurance up to a mil. That means if my car gets stolen or gets vandalized I don't have much to do about it. For those of you that remember my old Sundance I paid only about 900 bucks a year, total. I'm scared to think what I would have to pay for driving my roommates 2001 ZX2. It's not that old, but it's still a really nice car. I'm looking at spending about 10 grand on my next ride, but I'm torn between saving for a new house, and paying off debts too.... so much I want, so long I'll have to work for it, but that's fine long term goals for a long life, I hope.

I heard last night that serveral young teens were killed on the same highway that claimed the lives of people my friends knew. It really is disheartening to see such young lives ended so early. The average age of those lost was 17, I know I've experienced a lot in the past 5 years in my life and to think that I could have been denied that is just heartbreaking. No one knows why things happen, but they do, maybe for a reason, maybe it's senseless, all we can deal with is the fact that we are still here and will have to learn with how to deal with these things. I'm pretty sure I sound like a broken record when it comes to stuff like this, but maybe it's just me. I'm a cold hearted bastard, what can I say?

- Sorean

June 11th 2:52PM

So almost another week has passed and I'm working the weekend again. Hopefully things will get more interesting next week.

I found this and it's pretty damn cool. Kinda creepy at the same time.

One of these days I'll actually sit down and write a deep, insightful post.... either that or just ramble on about something scandalous :D

- Sorean

June 5th 2:43 PM

Rain Rain go away, come again another day

Stupid weather ruined my weekend. Ah well, I can't complain too much I guess. It's not bad that I got to spend two days off and do nothing but game, but it seems like it was such a waste..... Running Molten Core with my guild was pretty fun, but I don't want to devote over 10 hours a week to it just yet. I really should just uninstall WoW and find more productive things to do with my time.

Tuesday me and Lindz are going to hit up the Roughies vs Stamps game, hopefully the rain will have stopped by then. I remember the last time we went, Roughies won and we had a great time. Going to be much different this time around. Not going with a bus load of people from school. No hot girl to talk to, funny that I still remember Larua's name, but damn she was one fine girl. She had the whole skater girl look going for her, even when she was dressed up for presentations she was still damn fine.

I watched Unleashed with Morgan Freeman and Jet Li. You know what? I throughly enjoyed it. As my friend Renny said, "it's a good mix of drama and action. If you watch it purly for drama, you'll be disappointed. If you watch it purly for action, you'll be disappointed." I agree with him wholeheartedly.

Also watched Madagascar. A so so dreamworks movie, fairly funny parts and a semi standard plotline. The Penguins ruled though.

Well that's it from me for now. Later everyone and take care.

- Sorean

May 29th 5:07 PM

Alrighty, another week goes by and I end up giving up part of it to my trainees.... bah humbug. But it's for a good cause in the end I hope. What happened this week? I had a management trained class again. Found out that I spend too much time on video games and I'm going to try to resolve to break it. Mind you it's kinda hard.... there really isn't anything else better to do when you're not with friends all the time. I mean you can work, you can work out, you can hang with friends, what's the rest of the time for? I was talking to Kate last night and this issue came up. Apparently games, reading books, and watching movies all fall under the same category. She's kinda right. Long as I keep working out I should be fine.

Hmmmmmm, well games dominated most of the week :P I got me a pimp new jacket and watch a couple weeks ago. Instead of paying 120 bucks for it I only paid 80. Thanks to my friend Steph and her worker's discount :) I have great friends.

Oh yeah, Friday night was Agnes' birthday/going away dinner. Gave her a nice present that most people would consider crazy, even she felt bad for taking it, but if I'm willing to give a gift to someone then I can accept it. It will help her when she goes on her trip, though she probably still thinks that I really am crazy.

I work the morning shift all this week so that means a lot more rollerblading at night :) I'm going to love that. I just need to make sure I'm motivated enough to do it. I swear, working these schedules suck. Meh, part of life I guess.

Well I'm out for now, later all.

- Sorean

May 22nd 11:37 PM

Another week of trying to sort things out.... it's been fun that's for sure. I'm training another class even though I'm not the trainer and you know what? I'm still enjoying it. At any rate I was going to go into a deep felt post, but the moment has passed. It woulda been about something like things lost, things gained, the ones that have left, the ones that remain....


May 16th 12:23 PM

God Damn....

- Sorean

May 15th 11:00 PM

I've found reason to watch TV again!!!!

I've just spent the last two hours in front of it watching two new Simpsons, a Family guy, and a new American dad. Wow is all I can say, I haven't laughed that hard in a long, long time. Especially to a TV show. Noteable lines:

"You can't take a punch, just like your mother."
"Can't you pull a Hillary Clinton and forget about everything?"
"Chicken gave me a bad coupon"
"I've masterbated like 80 million times and don't plan on stopping"

A cookie to the person that can tell me which came from which episode :)

- Sorean

PS: Awesome parody

May 14th 1:35 PM

Okay, so I had a ton of things I was going to refer to, but now all I think about is this it's so damn catchy....

- Sorean

May 9th 7:30 PM

Meh, I'm bored. Nothing really to report. Still playing WoW, still working out, still being bored. Need to find a girl, or just relax from it all, not sure yet. Someone needs to get me a life. Fallen into a blah state and need to get out of it, there's nothing really going right now. Work, sleep, games, friends, bored. Anyone suggest anything I can do that will keep me entertained? And No Ed, picking up whores is not an acceptable answer.

- Sorean

May 3 10:39 PM

Alrighty, getting something ended via an e-mail is no fun, but whatever.

So I've been thinking a lot the past couple of days. Relationships, work, life in general. I think that I fall into this crater every couple of weeks or so and it's not really all that fun. I guess people who talk about biometrics might be onto something.

Work: So I'm a manager now, it's definately a change and to be honest, I'm nervous about it. I've never really managed before, always been a hands on kind of guy. Also, during our management training, there was a questionaire that we had to fill. And a personality profile. It's kinda funny really. 4 years ago when I started University we had to do it for psych class. My result was that I turned out as a "gaurdian role" I remember that because I took what it said and it rang pretty close to being true in the essence that I always took care of people, always looked out for others above my own benefit. Now, I took the test and came out as "teaching idealist" Which is kinda ironic considering I didn't get the training job. A question in the training homework that I had to do was "What has been your biggest challenge so far?" To be honest, it's been my youth. I'm one of the youngest people working in this company and yet I have probably had to work the hardest to earn my respect. "Respect is earned not given". That is so true and yet it's so hard to do, espicially if you are already working with a greater factor, your youth. Like I've mentioned before, I've trained two different classes and once they found my age they were surprised and had to get that concept around their head. After that I had to work much harder to gain the respect of the people here. Especially those that say, "I don't know what I'm talking about". Man that pissed me off, but I can't say what happened there as it is a little touchy to the company, message me if you want to know.

Relationships: There are none except for my friends, next!

Life in general: Such a thing exists?

Through rain and sleet and blowing snow
To the deepest of pain only we know.
Time continues from day into night and back into dawn.
People who live know that life goes on.

Sometimes a sorrow so great we cry,
‘Til nary a spot on the pillow is dry.
The pain that is there, the pain so real.
Though as time moves on, the pain will heal.

Many times your heart will be filled with a glorious joy.
For girls it might be the meeting of the perfect boy.
For guys it might be different, or so it seems.
But for him to be truly happy, he will have the girl of his dreams.

Listen to the gentle breeze, the crashing of the tides.
The constant pressure of life coming from all sides.
They fade away, every night,
But yet they are still there, just out of sight.

Then comes to sun to bring a new day.
A chance to live life a different way.
From day into night and night into dawn.
One thing is inevitable, that life moves on.

- Sorean

Apr 30 3:42 AM

Okay, I'm fucking wired... It's been 21 hours since I've woken up, but yet I'm still awake. In my last 2 line post I said I made manager. I'm ecstatic about that. It's going to be a natural transition into the role, but it might take a little while. Other than that I won't be doing much but focusing on this job more. I really want to be able to do this job well.

Gaming news, Guildwars came out!! :D It's going to be hard to play both that and WoW at the same time, but I think I'll manage. Well there really isn't much more except it seems like a lot of my friends are now looking for jobs and coming to me. Well I'm out now, later all.

- Sorean

Apr 28 10:45 AM

Woo hoo!! New Manager job is mine!! :D

- Sorean

Apr 26 11:00 AM

I seriously have issue with old people who dislike young kids, hell I'm not even that young. Yesterday I was blading home from Eau Claire which is about a 10 block blade through the downtown core. While on the nice wide 7 or 8 feet of sidewalk I was crossing the street. Then this old man that was crossing the street decides to take it upon himself to step in front of me and yell something inaudible at me, something about the law I think. I didn't hear him because of my MP3 player. At any rate, it's the simple fact of the matter that I wasn't bothering him in any way and he had to come and harass me. This isn't the first time it's happened either. There's a post somewhere in my archives about a lady that did something like that too. Honestly, who the hell do these older people think they are? We are not bothering them and we're not going to knock them over. I have yet hurt anyone (with the exception of myself) while roller blading. Some people just irk me.

The only good thing was that about 5 blocks later I was slowing down to cross a street and saw 4 girls coming perpendicular to me. Well I hate a patch of something and my other skate make a loud noise as I struggled to recover. I heard one of the girls go "uh oh", but then I recovered, even better was that I recovered and ended up skating backwards looking at the girls. They smiled at me, I smiled back and off I went... I'm such an idiot :P As my roommate later informed me that I could have started a convo right there, but you know what? I'm happy with the people I know right now.

Oh yeah, I just remembered reading the newspaper on the weekend. Apparently people are making money of things like this... I wish I lead a more interesting life. I could say what goes on at the office, but then I might be held liable for any possible connection I have between myself and where I work. If you haven't noticed I've gone back and replaced the name of my company with "unnamed company" people who know where I work can ask me themselves.

Today I have my interview for a manager position at the company. To be honest, I'm a little nervous; mainly because I don't know what will happen if I don't get the job... Wish me luck

- Sorean

Apr 23 9:30 AM

I wrote this for my guild in my spare time for my guild, I got bored :P

Through my trials and tribulations of playing through a 60 hunter and an almost 40 priest I have found that there are a lot of uneducated players out there. I felt that it may be necessary for you to pay attention to certain things when in instance groups.

Last night I was running Uldaman with Alic, Merlinn, Zera, and Bloody and it was quiet enjoyable. Now I must state that I feel that sometimes I do become "pushy" when people run instances with me, but that is only because I can think of strategies that keep people alive. This was a great group to run with, but compared to another group that I tried to run this instance in, there was some serious problems; especially when you're a priest (I'm sure Taz, Regina, Zera and any other priest can echo these concerns). The following is a list of things you should be careful of when running instances:

Mana levels:
There are 3 classes that this is very important to, and minorly a 4th and 5th.

These three classes rely heavily on their mana levels. Please do not pull when any of these players have a mana level of less than 45% unless you are at full health and it's a single mob that you can kill easily with minor assistence. If the Mage and Warlock do not have suffienct mana to fight, then you are down one damage dealer and may not be able to take down the mob you are working against.

Depending if you have a Druid and what his/her role in the instance is, the same rule applies if the druid is a healer.

You don't have to worry about their mana levels much, but it's highly suggestable that his is kept high as well. His distraction shot costs a fair bit of mana, but it's great at pulling agro from the healer to himself.

With all that said, it's just not smart to pull if anyone isn't at a sufficent amount of mana.

Agro range:
The lower level you are, the more the mobs want to kill you. I found this out last night, I was the lowest level priest and I had an agro range the size of the grand canyon... it was pretty fun though :P Be very careful of this. Especially if you are fighting in an enclosed area with mobs left, right, and centre. I know as a healer, the first instinct is to run away. Don't. You'll probably end up running into the agro range of another mob and pulling them on your group and causing a complete wipe. If you are getting attacked, run towards your group, hopefully someone will pick up on the fact that you are being attacked and shouldn't be (Warlocks, Priests, and Mages fall into the group of people that are being attacked that shouldn't be). Also, if you are taking damage and running, don't run too far away from the healer, if you do, the healer will get the message that says "target is out of range" and guess what happens to you.

All other players should be wary of those around them. If you notice the priest is being attacked you should immediately switch focus to the mob attacking your healer. Not enough people pay attention to this fact. I'm not saying this because I play a priest, I'm saying it because you need to keep the healer alive.

I did a bad job of this during the guild run, when you're a 37, you don't realize how big of an agro range you have among level 44s. But the group did manage a great job of pulling agro off me. I was throughly impressed with the way we were running through this instance.

Plans of attack:
This is by far the most important section.

I understand that everyone has run instances different ways and has a different play style, but there should always be one person deemed as the leader/commander of the group. It's hard to find out who is good at this, but we did a great job of this and I'm going to use the example from last night. As I mentioned, we had a 2 priests (44/37), pally (60), Rogue(40), Mage (45) trying to run Uldaman and we came across Grimlock. Now he has 2 mobs, plus his pet. So a total of 4 mobs. With some planing laid out, we took care of these guys fast. It's amazing what a well directed group can do, especially if the commander calls for "in case" scenarios. To be honest, I was very proud of how we handled that fight. Now I know we had a 60, but you still need direction, just cuz he's a 60 it doesn't mean an easy run (unless you're in gnomer or Deadmines).

Plans of attack will always be the difference between continuting and a complete wipe. I have a fail proof plan for my hunter for a princess run (once we get to her that is), but it's all a mater of how you and your party function. The one last night, we probably could have ended up having a 5 man through scholo if we were all 60. That's how confident of a party it was in my mind. We were doing really well and I'm very pleased with the results. I'm just hoping that everyone can commit to this guild and stay with us so we can get these instances done 5 man so we can get quests done for them.

Too bad only people who play WoW know what I'm talking about :(

- Sorean

Apr 22 9:45 AM

Well I'm back to work now and I apologize for the lack of updates. I've actually been doing things on my day off instead of sitting in front of this damn machine and playing games. Working out more would be the bulk of my time spent offline. But when I am here, usually playing WoW, I just kinda veg, it's my relaxation time... well not so much any more since Blizzard decided to implement the "honour system" or as I like to think of it, the "ganking system". The current way that Blizzard has implemented Honor is that there are no penalties for attacking players with significantly lower levels than you. I think that's just completely retarded.

So what else is new? Instead of blading I've been hitting the gym at my apartment more, eating still the same stuff though I know it should be healthier, but whatever. I'm trying. The only bad thing is that I'm still at the same relative weight, so technically, I don't think I'm making much headway.

At work, we've been going bowling and drinking, in fact, I was pretty toasted last night at one point in time... drinking + bowling = lots of fun for all. Except I found out that I'm not very good at 10 pin bowling :( give me 5 pin any day.

On Wednesday me, Lindz, and Renny hit up Eau Claire for some frisbee action, we're getting pretty good at it actually. Went to the barley mill after for dinner and then to Vicious Circle for martinis. I never knew alcohol could taste so sweet and get you buzzed of something that's so small and sweet... I guess that relation could relate for a lot of things. Any rate, I'm out for now, everyone take care!

- Sorean

Apr 15 5:05 PM

Day 4 of 6 outta 7. Least I get tomorrow off. So I've actually dropped the diet, it's just stupid and my weight is still what it is. Marten has a point about what he says and I have been working out a lot more. Too bad it's mostly muscle building excercises so I'll probably end up gaining weight as the transfer occurs. Ah well, hard work will get rid of this gut and it's the only thing I can do to get rid of it.

The work out routine is going pretty good. Chest hasn't been this sore in a long time, so the workout every other day thing is going to stick and I have to do this. "If you write it down, it become accountable".

Went out after work last night to a co-workers place for some drinks, it was actually pretty fun, a shot of tequilla got me caught up pretty quick. But I was still ready to work and that was the good thing.

I was just out for lunch and I realized that I'm on my own, not just going through the motions of life or school. Everything is by my own doing. We all seem to forget sometimes, but you know what? We always seem to remember in the end though. Life is now what I make it, I can decide to go back to school like I keep saying, work out more, focus on just working, having more than one job, etc, etc, etc. It'd be nice sometimes to just relax though. Finding that balance is the tricky part in life. Finding that someone special is even harder. Those that have someone, don't let them go, "you don't know what you've lost until it's gone."

- Sorean

Apr 12 9:14 PM

This is probably the coolest A capella thing I have ever seen. I'll let it speak for itself.

Past couple days haven't been really adventerous, relatively boring. I really have to get out more instead of playing games all the time. Motivating myself to workout is really hard, like I said a couple days ago, it's the whole not letting others down is not acceptable, but apparently myself is okay... alright so I'm a mascacist :P Well the next 6 out of 7 days I'm working so I have no excuse, workout, work, sleep, repeat. Hopefully I can keep that. Wish me luck.

- Sorean

Apr 11th 2:47 PM

What does this make me? I found it rather funny...

- Sorean

Apr 8th 11:40 AM

Blading, diet, WoW...

Blading: I've gone every day for the past week and you know what? I feel pretty good about it, though I think I'm going to play it safe today because it looks like it's going to rain after work. Blading is so nice, but it'd be nicer to have someone who isn't afraid to fall to go with me. Not that I mind blading with Andrea, it's just that we go so slow that it's barely a workout which is what I want. To be honest, I don't feel that it's a workout unless I'm sweating. You know it's really hard to get motivated to work out when you don't have anyone to do it with. At least volleyball would have been a different avenue for me to workout my physical energy. I have problems with stored energy and I think I know what my problem is. I don't see a point to do something unless I see more of a gain than just for myself. Rollerbalding with Andrea for example, I'm spending time with one of my best friends, playing volleyball, working out and playing for standings as a team, helping people out. If I'm the only one to benefit I really don't see the point. Call me weird, but I believe that I'm a social creature that only enjoys things more with other people. Take my gaming for instance. The only games I really play any more are online with other people; either killing, or working with them.

Diet: I'm semi back on that diet again, in conjunction with the blading everyday I've lost 2 pounds since the beginning of the week. Not bad, but it's also not good for my body to fluctuate all the time either... so I've decided to just eat healthy, cook all my meals, stop eatting out as much and cut back on the junk while still trying to go blading everyday.

WoW: I have another character, 31 priest now.... so it's either run instances with my guildies with my hunter or work on my priest, I have more fun with my priest though... Oh well, maybe I'll take a brake from it and play some CS. Or Gunbound... Kate wants me to play it so I guess I'll have to start because she is in love with that game, maybe I can convert her to WoW....

Well that's it from me for now, another week over in the semi-interesting life of which you read.

- Sorean

Apr 2nd 11:27 PM

Death, music, regret, realtionships....

Death: funny how different things have different adverse effects on other people. Death... meh, people die all the time, how much it affects you is left up to you. I've lost people, Chris and Nathan, these two people I grew up with I will never see again, maybe in the afterlife (if such a thing exists) I will once again be able to interact with them, but they're gone and nothing can bring them back. The pope also passed away today, sad news for the religous community, but you can't say that you didn't see this coming. He has been ill for the past couple of weeks and we were all expecting it. Well at least I was.

Music: Went to the Finger 11 concert tonight out at COP (Canada Olympic Park) and it was pretty good, first two bands weren't bad, can't even remember their names :P At any rate, still played well adn they are one band I'd go to see over and over, as long as they keep coming up with new stuff.

Regret: More and more, I seem to think that I could have done things better to put myself better off. I guess it came when I realized that another year has passed from my brithday. Seems like the further I move ahead, the more I leave other's behind. Why do I do what I do? I don't know. I want to keep those important in my life, but yet no matter what, I seem to be making it harder if not for me, then for others to become a part of my life.

I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean...
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not alright...

Relationships: ....

- Sorean

Mar 27 10:18PM

What a wasted 5 days off.... what did I do? I played World of Warcraft the majority of the time. I went out to a friends place one night, went for dinner another... check that, I just got back from rollerblading and it's midnight. So maybe it's not so bad after all. I'm kinda tired but meh. I'll be headed to bed soon. Nothing major, Birthday was the 24th, had dinner at the Keg the night before that with my nearest and dearest. In WoW I finally hit 60, the highest level so now all that's left is running the end game stuff. Which is killing Onyxia, the toughest dragon there is in the game. Well it's midnight, I'm off to bed, g'nite all.

- Sorean

Mar 25th 2:36AM

Another year has come and gone.
Life keeps going, I move on.
A love lost, a love gained.
So much happiness, so much pain.

"If I knew now what I knew then."
Such a clichéd line, but it can never happen.
Time passed and my life is not where I thought I'd be.
Sometimes I wish I could roll it back, know now what I see.

But the fact is, I'm here more than I thought five years ago.
The road has been a tough one, but I've survivided though.
I understand now that life is combined of what you make and shape.
Not a predeterminded path, a life of right choices and the occassional mistake.

- Sorean

Mar 16th 8:45PM

So I went out and got a new 160 Gig hard drive today in hopes that this solves my latest computer problem. It seems like WoW doesn't seem to want to run in any mode the screen is set to. That plus I'm getting lag spikes in CS. So WoW has graphics glitches which I can narrow down to HD not able to write to the cache fast enough. The reason I suspect that is because CS runs fine with an occasional lag spike, but fails when it is loading the resources. Pre caching the game is fine. So if I load up WoW tonight after I finish work and it doesn't work, then the only thing left is the RAM... Either way though, I'll be keeping this new HD, only cost 128 bucks for 160 gigs. So much more stuff can be stored now, like rips of games that I have... oh yeah, I'm a geek :P

On another note, my girl Kate has been accepted into the U of C and will start here in the fall, it's a start to something great :)

In terms of the rest of my life, I realized I really suck at budgeting. If I spend only what I need to, even with budgeting to pay off my student loan I should be able to have a couple hundred dollars extra. I don't see it though :P My friends do. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends and I don't regret spending money on them, but at the same time, I realize this is where all my extra dough goes.

Well... I just worked my way around an awkward situation. I'm installed WoW remotely and I had to call to ask my roommate to place the 3rd and 4th discs into my machine, he went and put them into the serve r... I got smart and realized that I could map to that drive and the install finished, now all I have to go when I get home is run it and update it.

Well enough from me now, later all.

- Sorean

Mar 13th 11:00 AM

So the new class isn't all that bad. A couple of really good people in it, smart and know exactly what I'm talking about. Seems like they will make a good class. Sadly, I won't be able to guide them for their last week of training. The new trainer is up to do that. I hope he does a good job despite what I've been hearing.

So a couple things have come to mind as of late.

What exactly makes someone a good friend?
How far can a friend push before they step over?
What can distinct someone from a friend than an acquaintance?

To be honest, I have no idea. Yes there are people that I will go extra outta the way for to get something for them. Friends are something I value highly, why? Because in essence, they are your family, your extended family to say the least. Friends fill a void that no one else can, different people you hang out with for different reasons. But to those that I truly call a friend, I hope they know who they are because I constantly remind them so. Needless to say, some actions lately have caused me to think about the above questions, but I still have all my friends, I haven't ditched anyone, just become a little irrated at them a bit. But nothing I can't get over. After all, they are my friends.

Friday night we went to see Robots, it was pretty good, some nice comedic spoofs, good humour, worth buying when it comes out, just like The Incedibles.

So last week Andrea and I have been rollerblading after I got off work. It's nice to see Eau Claire after work at dusk to rollerblade. It's good because we go for over an hour easy, more around 90 minutes of blading because it's a good work out. Sadly, it snowed this morning and I work from 3:30 until 2AM all this week. Maybe we can go before work, either way, gotta talk that out with her first.

Anyway, enough rambling.

- Sorean

Mar 8th 7:48 AM

So begins another week, actually it's day 2. Yesterday only 1/2 counted because I went home sick and slept for about 12 hours of the day. Yeah, I was in bad shape, but feeling much better today.

The weekend was pretty eventful, Joey came down so we did a bit with him, I worked Friday night, but we hung out Saturday. Actually kinda, first it was breakfast with Agnes, then work, then rollerblading, then beer and wings, then pool, then drinks. That took us until 3AM. Sunday I help my friend Renny move, had a nice steak dinner with tatters and kernel corn. Very yummy. Then I went home and slept and got ready to train.

This class is 15 people strong, kind of interesting because I have to train them along with the new trainer. Yes, you may find that kind of weird, but it's how my boss wants it. He wants me there to train this last class so that the new guy can learn from it. It doesn't bother me all that much, I trust his judgment and I believe that my boss might have better things planned. Call it a blind trust. Well off to train for the day, everyone take care.

- Sorean

Mar 4th 11:11 PM

*Making a wish*

Okay, I've realized that I probably have the worst luck in the world when it comes to computer stuff. I woke up this morning to a quiet room. I was wondering what happened to the music. Next thing I notice.... a faint burning smell... needless to say I jumped outta bed pretty fast. Turns out that my power supply was fried. Which is probably the reason that my video card fried last week. Only benefit is that I think I got a better video card out of the deal. Next time I'll be building the machine with my own hands :)

Now, my router is acting up. This page may/may not load depending on what it decides to do. I can ping up to it, I can remote home, but that's probably because it's a current active connection, but anything that goes out and has to come back using DNS fails.... I hate troubleshooting my own network, mainly because I know it will end up costing money. Like the new power supply. 480W of electric goodness = 140 bucks. Good investment, but at the same time, I shouldn't have had to spend it. Oh well, it's a good piece of mind type thing.

What's new.... nothing much really, the 4 days a week, 10 hours a day thing is working nice. Gives us 3 days off. I liked those days. Pretty lax, very enjoyable. It's been really nice for the past while here. Positive temperatures, nice bright sunshine. Makes me want to go rollerblading again. Which I think I will start doing again as soon as I get my ass in gear.

Well that's odd, for some reason my power CPU is running around 60 degrees again.... no where near normal for any system.... time to take apart the case and see if I can better manage the cabling inside. It was pretty messy when I put it back together before I had to rush off to work. Hmmm I wonder if... nah I doubt an ethernet cable can carry enough charge to mess up a router. I think my work VPN messed it up actually.... I could be wrong, but I'll find out when I get home.

- Sorean

Feb 27th 2:33PM

First off, a HUGE shout of Happy Birthday to one of my best friends in the city. Old lady Andrea Gohm turns 22 today. Wow.... another month and I'll be 22 too.... I like being 21 :) Man, a couple years from now, these years won't even be an issue anymore.

Any rate, last night wasn't exactly a smart idea, started drinking at about 7.... was still up at 3.... needless to say I'm not 100% today at work. Ah well, I should know better. It's been a while since I was that buzzed, but to be honest, I didn't mind. It was only me, Lindz, and Weasy at first. Then two people from work came over and we just chatted and it wasn't too bad.

On Friday Brandrea (Brandon + Andrea) and I went hiking on an impromptu trip out. We had to drive outta the city for about an hour or so, but in honesty, it was well worth it. I enjoyed the hike, it got me out of the apartment and got me some much needed exercise. God knows I haven't really been active since I chased down the ice cream truck for 5 blocks (I'm just kidding).But we hiked up a frozen creek/river thing. Needless to say that my feet got wet because I wasn't prepared for it, but it was alright. We hiked for about an hour and found a man made cave about 40 to 50 feet up on the side of a scalable face of a hill, it was pretty steep though, about a 65-70 degree slope. So it was a little hard to climb. We tried to get up a particular way and while I was climbing my foot hold came loose. So down I slide, chest against the rock, in my leather jacket for about 30 feet or so. We did eventually make it back up to the top and into the cave, it was pretty cool. It's somewhere you can relax and camp in and it would be safe from bears because it is not very easily accessible for animals like them. I slid down the side in the end because it was more fun. My jacket was dirty as hell, but it was worth it. It was a great day out and was much needed.

Well at the moment I can't think of anything else. I really like my new hair and couldn't be happier with it. I still want blue, but my boss actually said no. I still think I'm gonna do it though. If he can make it blonde like this, he can make it the blue that I want :D. Well I'm out for now, peace out everyone.

- Sorean

Feb 25th 11:21AM

/me points to the picture

Look!! My hair actually came out blonde!! :D Anyway, gotta go run some errands today, later everyone!!

- Sorean

Feb 21st 2:31PM

So begins another work week. Surprisingly I never did play much of GW over the weekend, I did Friday night with Lindz and his brother, but after that I didn't touch it much... kinda makes me wonder why I paid 70+ dollars for this game at the moment. Hopefully when the game actually comes out it will have a lot more pull on me, but right now, I just don't see it. It's going to be one of those games that I will play occasionally.

So what did I do this weekend? I didn't get my oil changed, probably get that done tomorrow or the day after as it's a holiday here today. Good old family day in Alberta :). I also visited Sean at the salon and he wanted a comment page put up. Well it's up now, 8 hours after fighting with different possibilities. Stupid CGI scripts that I can't find. Finally had to settle on a php solution that I found on the net. I really have to learn php, I've said it before and I'm saying it again, I'm an idiot and I'm procrastinating in learning... why am I so unselfmotivated.... is that even a word? I guess it boils down to not having a drive. All I really want to do right now is work, find a girl, and settle into a life. Well partially anyway, I want some stability, no more of this rotating shift, no more one day weekends, no more weekends of being by myself and wasting it gaming...

Only good news is that starting next week we are going to work 4 days a week, 10 hours a day, what does that mean? 3 day weekends every week. Unfortunately, it still means a rotating shift... oh well, 3 days off mean more time to.... bitch about what I said above :P Well it does give me more time to change things. Anyway, it's been fun, but I gotta run, later all and take care

- Sorean

Feb 17th 10:10PM

Well I didn't get the technical trainer job.... not very happy about it, but at the same time I'm not going to worry too much about it either. Obviously my boss has made a decision now I have to live with it. Hopefully there will be more jobs in the company that will open up, and I know there will be soon. Either way though, it would have been nice for the change of pace and something that leads to a profession that I am actually considering.... *sigh* oh well, c'est la vie.

In gaming news, it is the Guildwars Beta weekend Event again, what does this mean for your's truly? A heavy weekend of gaming followed up by another week of work..... somewhere in there I have to find time to get my oil changed, register my car, and head back down to the salon. Oh no! Game will have to suffer :P

Well that's it for now, time for bed as I have to be up early tomorrow, later all and take care.

- Sorean

Feb 10th 11:45 AM

Yay lunch break!! Yes, I've become update lazy again sadly. Well I'll try again. Seems like I work on this in spurts :P At any rate, a couple of things have happened and I'll write what comes to mind.

I'm training the next new batch of hires here at Unnamed Company, class of 10, and I think that every single one of them should be able to stick around. All of them have networking background and it really helps when I go on explaining about technical things. I don't have to explain much, it's really nice. Speaking about training, a full time position for training opened up. I have my second interview tomorrow and I have to give a 30 minute demo of what it's like for me to teach these people. It's on Tuesday so I have a couple of days to prepare for these. Well that's pretty much it work wise. The new job will mean a pay raise and a static shift. First thing I'm going to do after I get that job is to find a volleyball team that I can play on at night. It's something that I am going to look forward to a lot.

Next up, visit my newest work. This is done for the hair salon that I frequent. The owner there is really grateful that I was able to do the work for him because his last site was not what he really wanted. As long as I maintain the site, update it, and do whatever work needs to be done to the site, I will get free haircuts for the rest of my life. Good deal I think, and I think I might be able to cut a deal for hair products, which is great :).

Don't remember if I said this yet or not, but I'm admin of a CS server that I usually play on. It's great now because I can help keep the place the way they have kept it. It's a small, but closely knit community. They have rules there such as no bigotry, no intentional friendly fire, and pretty much not have dumb ass kids run around thinking that they are the king of the world. We set kids in their place.

Well off I go again, drop me a message on MSN sometime people, I'm always around.

- Sorean 7

Feb 3rd 12:40 AM

Grrrr some agent had the audacity to tell me that I don't do my job and I'm lazy and I never get off my ass..... one word sums it up, insubordination.  Yes I am slightly ticked off, but it is hours after the encounter.  Time to see how my boss will react tomorrow morning.

- Sorean

Jan 30th 8:16 PM

Guess what? I'm back at work again, go 1 day weekend.... *sigh*  Well yesterday did accomplish a lot.  I'm off my diet at 210.  Lost 7 pound this time around, now all I have to do is work on changing the keg into a six-pack.  I got myself a new toy, hopefully now I can improve my game play in CS and get less of a chance for getting carpel tunnel syndrome when I get older.  For the amount that I game, I think it was a good 50 dollar investment. 

Apparently my mom is mad at me, funny how two consecutive posts relate to my parents.... last time she called, actually every time she's called she keeps telling me to watch what I eat, that I'm fat, so on and so forth.  I finally got fed up with it last time she called and pretty much told her, though I understand that she is trying to look out for me, to be constantly told that is very irritating.  Well she took it as me yelling at her.... *sigh* women :P  I wish I knew how to read them and how to communicate the fact that I wasn't yelling, but voicing my irritation to her.  Oh well, I'll have to call and smooth things over eventually.

Well back to work now, later all.

- Sorean

Jan 28th 6:45 PM

Okay, I really have to start paying more attention to this site since I'm getting more than an dozen hits a day at least, obviously some people are checking this page on a semi-regular basis.  What's new in my life?  Nothing much, gaming and working full time has still been the majority of my life, though that might be changing soon.  Apparently there is a training job that will open up that will allow me a regular life.  That is a static shift doing the same job so I can focus more on having a life.  If I get this job I can go and play volleyball again.  Oh how I miss volleyball, how I miss sports actually.  If I get this job this means a complete change in my life, a very welcome change because I will then be able to get back into the way life kinda was like when I was in high school.  Work during the day, sports at night.  Granted it won't be like it used to be with all the sports every day, but it will be a start to my path to fitness :)

I got a call from my Dad today...... My father really pisses me off not just some time, but all of the time.....  you know what? It's better that you don't mention him around me at all.  Anyway, I gotta get back to work, later all.

- Sorean

Jan 21st 9:11 AM

Well so much for updating "tomorrow" :P  At any rate the past week has been pretty boring.  It's mainly been work and nothing more.  Though on Wednesday I had a near mental breakdown... work got way too hectic, too much dumped on me at the same time and now I'm dealing with it a lot better.  Essentially I was doing three jobs on Wednesday and when I came back yesterday it was much better, why?  Because I was done all three.

Now I said I had a lot to go on, needless to say I can't remember much of it since it was a number of days ago, but I do remember one thing.  A program called Skype, this a free Voice over IP program.  In other words I can make PC to PC calls for free :).  It's great and I'm saving on long distance for the most part.  There's no delay, no drop in signal quality either.  My friend Kate showed it to me and she and I have been using it for the past couple of weeks.  At any rate, it's a great program to use to get a hold of me to actually talk to, no different from calling someone on the phone so if you do have it, add me to your list, take a wild guess at to what my name is :P.

Oh yeah, I remember another thing I was pissed off about, car insurance rape in Alberta.  Back home, my 94 Sundance: 850 bucks a year.  Here, 89 Tempest: 2800 a year and that's not even the part that's pissing me off.  Back in October when I started driving my car I went to the insurance company and started to pay for it then "Supposedly"  Needless to say it didn't happen.  So instead of having it paid monthly what has happened during the past 4 months?  The bill has accumulated and just charged to me this month.  So instead of paying monthly, I get one big bill for almost a grand.... thankfully, I have the money saved and thanks to the past paycheque, I barely squeaked by.  Go Visa for the next two weeks!

As per my gaming life, WoW is become a frustrating experience between game play and downtime.  They've had downtime with the server for a long period of time.  I have been a very loyal blizzard fan, I own the majority of their software titles, it's easier to name the games that I don't have (Warcraft I & II). At any rate, I know they have a history of making people wait and have problems with cheaters in past games and what not, but this is beyond what is acceptable. It took them 2 years to come out with D2 which I and other patiently waited for. But now........ I'm really close to canceling my account with them. Of course they offer the 48 hour extension, why? because we haven't been able to play at all for that time, the only people exempt from this are people that are playing on low population servers, which I would gladly play on right now to avoid all this crap.   Keep in mind, I'm pissed at them :P  Ah well, time to weather out the storm I guess.

What else....... I found out that Maggie doesn't see a point into checking this anymore.  Kinda odd I guess, those were pretty close to her exact words.  I can understand that she doesn't see a need to know what is going on, but that comment stung a bit I guess.  Kinda shows that with time, you can forget about people and become less concerned with their life......  I still think about all my friends, I still consider her one probably one of the people that know me best, I guess she just doesn't consider me a part of her life.  Kind of a humbling statement that she made to me, bah, it's just one confusing thing that would just lead to a lot of reminiscing..... *sigh*

At any rate, I am very happy with those in my life right now, people I keep close and love, though things might have been different, I'm very happy with the way things have turned out.  I'm happy those around me have kept me close and allowed me to take care about them.  Don't get me wrong, I love everyone that I consider a friend, just on different levels.  *sigh*  Such a confusing life we all lead.

- Sorean

Jan 13th 6:02 PM

I just found out that a buddy of mine that I went to school with for pretty much my entire childhood has passed away.  Nathan Danylczuk passed away 2 days ago.  It doesn't say how he died, but it must have been an accident, nothing else could have taken him from us sooner.  Sadly, I cannot say much about the past 3-4 years as we have kinda drifted away since I moved to a different city, but I'll always remember the kid.  He was such an energetic one, I'll never forget that.  Then there's always that Roborecki picture of him with the spiked hair for Halloween in a Lord of the Dance pose.  *sigh*  Lousy cycle of life and death.

There were so many other things I was going to post about, but today is going to be for Nathan, I will post about other things later.  I'd appreciate it if everyone just even had a minute of silence for my departed friend.

- Sorean

Jan 9th 6:23 PM

Wait, what's this? An update? People thought I was dead :P  I can assure you that I am alive and well.  What's new in my life?  Nothing much, Stupid World of Warcraft taking up my life.... oh and this weekend is the Guildwars weekend beta event again.  I'm going to be torn between which game to play in a couple months..... it's gonna be rough :(

Tomorrow at work I start training the new class of trainees we have.  I have to admit, I'm a little apprehensive about it.  I mean I know all the info, the difficulty is seeing if I can transfer all the information to them.  I believe I get a class of 13 people to train, I hope that I will be able to train them so they pass their tests at the end of two weeks to stay as employees.  We need bodies and we need capable bodies.  Next two weeks for me should be interesting, I have to make sure I go over everything with these people to ensure that they know everything or I have at least gone over it before they hit the phones, which might not be for a couple of days.  I mean the past trainer had them for 2 weeks, I supposedly get them for three, I think I can teach them everything in the first 3 or 4 days with detailed explanation of how everything works.  Should be interesting because everyone has different knowledge levels when it comes to computer networking.

At any rate I do still socialize, last night I went to the bar with Andrea and a couple of her friends.  Now I'll leave the bar's name out of this post because someone said "Spoken is slander, printed it's liable".  Now it's from a movie so I don't know how credible it is, but better safe than sorry.  At any rate, this was my 2nd time back to the bar and last time I was not too pleased with the DJ, and this time..... was the same result.  The place by far has the worst DJs I've ever listened too.  I personally know a DJ, he plays house and trance, but I'm sure he could mix top 20/R&B better than the shit that the DJ last night threw out there.  I mean the DJ last night didn't know how to mix water and flour to make a god damn cake.  He had absolutely no flow whatsoever.  The songs he played were good ones, I'll give him that much, but any one could have put up a play list and done better than him.  His songs just did not mix, I'm not even sure if he knew how to mix, it would be one song, abrupt stop, then the next big hit.  I mean he played Heaven and then just cut it, just stopped the music.  For those of you who don't know, the end of any mix of Heaven is left wide open for you to mix in any other techno/trance song.  At another bar we went to 2 years ago, they mixed Heaven, Sandstorm, and the Blade Techno theme all in a row and it was amazing.  But we went there two nights in a row and they did the same flow two nights in a row so it wasn't very original.  At any rate, this made me realize something else.

A night out at the bar with friends, especially if you are there to dance, is not successful based upon how many people show up, who you are with, or how much you've had to drink.  It's a relationship between you and the DJ, your night is completely at his disposal.  If he plays crap music, well, you're stuck with it or you go to another bar and pay cover again.  Last night for example, it was good to get out, have a couple of drinks and relax with a close friend, but overall the night was simply average rather then the fun nights that Andrea and I have when we go dancing at a bar.  Most of the time, she and I dance up a storm and well, I'm sweating at least a little bit.  I barely broke out in a sweat last night, last night just didn't flow at all.  Anyway that's my little mini-rant this night.  Take care everyone.

- Sorean

Jan 1st 8:16PM

So begins a new year.  Last night was a pretty relaxing night.  The finally tally consisted of myself, Andrea, Brandon, Lindz, Meaghan, Mitch, Heather and McKenna.  Everyone was pretty drunk, well actually Lindz, Meg, McKenna, and maybe Mitch.  I was sober, first time in 3 years..... also the first time in 3 years I've been single on new years eve.  My so much changes in the span of a year, most dominantly, graduation.  On top of that, I've been promoted 4 ranks in 7 months at my job, I mean that's not too bad I think.  The only sad thing about that is now I've somewhat hit a plateau.  At my current position I cannot really advance any more within the company, unless I change departments which i don't really see any reason to.  I like where I am right now, I like the people I am working with and I see no reason to leave them.  We'll see how the new year goes because hopefully it contains a raise, otherwise it's going to be hard working and making money to pay off my loans and making some money to be able to save it. 

So here are the next couple of years I figure, going back to school and getting my teaching degree, paying off my student loans.  So those are the top two priorities in my life.  How am I going to do it?  I have no clue, I want to continue working, but I also want to get my teaching degree now so that I can get it outta the way.  We'll see Agnes wants to go into it as well, it'd be kinda cool if she and I ended up in the same classes because that's what I might end up being in. 

At any rate, I'm off now, later all.

- Sorean